Finally My Custom Miracle Build with Fish Room

01/30/2019 - Can I bring These Back?
My frag tank previously was killing everything I put in it before transferring my corals to the main display. A few corals were down to a few polyps and they were almost on the way out. I transferred over the rest of the corals that were holding on I have been observing them a few days and they seem to be holding on. I snapped a few pictures in the hopes to document which ones take off and which ones finally past on to the other side. Some have been in the main display a while and are already starting to show signs of improvement.

IMG_4806 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_4852 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_4903 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_4894 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Was down to 2 heads
IMG_4885 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/01/2019 - Zoas Starting to Melt
Since I pulled out the chaeto I noticed a few things got out of wack and have been tracking some water issues. Cyno/red slime has been growing so I need to see if I can change the pump flow a bit. Another side effect seems to be my zoas have been starting to melt. I am going to try to keep them alive until I figure out if its the lack of chaeto that removes nutrients and then the sudden influx of nutrients or if its a flow issue.

IMG_4880 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/06/2019 - Few Random Coral Shots
awesome job Henry! progress looking good with great growth... glad to see corals made it and are thriving.

Thanks Jesse! Things are really coming along now! I am almost at the setting up automatic dosing stage. I have noticed Alk is drooping faster than it has been in previous weeks. I built a stand for doser and now running a few tests before bringing it on line.
I am back to fighting my cyno issue again and it can't be because of low flow. I think I may have to figure out a more random pump flow. With all but one pump on the end of the tank it seems it hits the back wall and then comes back to the wall the pumps are on. I need to do some more research on flow in Peninsula style tank. Currently all corals seem to grow to the right if I am facing the front of the tank. The cyno is also on the right side of the tank and it is getting longer. I will try to do some water changes over the next few days to get things under control.

I also moved some corals around in the tank in the quest of trying to find them a happy place. The yellow/Orange polyp cap and rainbow stylo I have moved to different locations and a few of the corals that have been on the sand bed I moved to places on the rock.

I had a LED lighting incident but since I have killed corals in the past I recognized that I was giving the tank too much light so I reset my lights back to a month ago. Hopefully the corals will get back to normal and not look stressed.

Monthly update time
Now here's months update...​

02/09/2019 - New Corals form LFS
I took a trip down to VA to drop off a bracelet for my wife at Tiffany's to get another charm added for her birthday. While in the parking lot I asked Goggle if there were any saltwater aquarium stores near me. My logic was something for her now something for meeeeeeee. I picked up about 4 corals. The two larger corals were pretty browned out but the prices were too good to pass up. My pictures are below

In acclimation
20190209_123617 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

In QT tank while I checked for pests
IMG_5076 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/10/2019 - New Corals form my Buddy Francis
So Francis let me know he had some corals ready for me and he was gonna be in MD and I could pick them up. I met him and the box was heavy. Francis has been hooking me up with corals since 2005 or so maybe longer. So here is the list of what I picked up.

IMG_4993 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_4999 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5010 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

In acclimation
IMG_5013 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/19/2019 - Changed Pressure Gauge
I had never had a pressure gauge fail on me with my RODI unit in teh past but on my current unit it failed. The liquid in the gauge somehow leaked out and the dial was starting to actually show signs of rust. So I brought one on Amazon and when it arrived it was way bigger than I expected but I made it work after a trip to HD.​

02/10/2019 - Modified Wrasse Keeper
So the issue I had with version one was there was too much moisture accumulating and the inside was starting to accumulate mold and mildew. Also the water was getting on the LEDs and causing them to short out. I cut some new slots in the top and added some 1/4" mess. I also added a piece of acrylic where the LEDs use to sit recessed and raised them with some rigid airline tubing and replaced the LEDs.

New venting modifications
IMG_5164 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/24/2019 - New Projects

Since the corals were really starting to take off I wanted to get the doser on line to keep the levels consistent. I have noticed that my Alk and Mag have been dropping even with me switching to the Fritz higher Alk salt. I designed a doser stand that would look kinda cool use the initial of my first name and be functional. I made it so the base would hold my dosing container and the top would hold the doser.

The current light over my refugium has a ton of light bleeding out from under the tank and to combat that I decided to make some sides to block the light from spilling out. The hope is the more light that is going in the sump over the Cheato the faster it will grow and remove nutrients even better. I didn't want it to be permanent to where I had to put it on in one piece due to the space I have under the tank. I came up with the idea of a modular approach that each side would be held in place with magnets. After my trip to Wally World to get magnets I drilled holes strategically and embedded the magnets in the light holder and the panels. I got everything all painted and test fitted.

Magnets - let the creativity begin
IMG_5366 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Side for light blocker with first magnet embedded
IMG_5132 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Doser stand (left), Light Holder (top right), Side Panel (bottom right)
IMG_5151 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

02/28/2019 - New Fish, Shrimp, and Cheato Harvest
My new fish arrived and I had a Red Banded Shrimp for about 30 mins before he disappeared. I put him directly in the main display to let him start making a burrow and then get a little head start so the fish could just move in. I have decided that the Lawnmower Blenny is worth his weight in gold. This guy really earns his keep. After his dip I placed him directly in the Frag tank to see if he would have any impact on the eyesore algae issue. Every one arrived healthy but one of the clownfish had some white spots on him. I am not sure if it is ich or not. It looked like a scar but I will keep an eye on it.

2 x ORA - Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) - Misbar
2 x Orange Spotted Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata) - (Bonded Pair) with Red Banded Pistol Shrimp
Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)

Orange Spotted Goby's in pre QT dip
IMG_5340 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Black & White Misbar Ocellaris Clownfish
IMG_5353 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Orange Spotted Goby
IMG_5371 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Lawnmower Blenny
IMG_5382 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Another good harvest of my cheato for about a month. I am still getting close to a pound out each month. I changed the light a bit and will run for about 30 mins more each day to see if there is a noticeable difference. I also turned up the power of the LEDs.

IMG_5365 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

03/02/2019 - Found Lazarus (Red Stop Light Cardinalfish)
(Apogonichthys hyalinus)
On 12/24/2018 I reported that all the CardinalFish had died or disappeared. Well I found one in my QT tank. The only way this was possible is when I moved some live rock from QT back to the Frag tank he had to be hidden in the rock. I only happened to see him when I was trying to see why some detritus was accumulating in the back right corner of the Frag tank behind a large piece of rock. I saw what looked like eyes peering back at me from under a edge of rock. I actually jumped back because if you have ever watched Cardinalfish swim they seem to do a jerky motion. Somehow the fish has staying alive in the tank.

Since the frag tank is battling back from the algae I plan on just having a large amount of rock in the tank with various corals on them. So I will transition it over to a regular tank with copies of some corals I want to grow out.

Current State
IMG_5388 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

03/03/2019 - Installed Doser, Sump Mirror, Light Control for Sump

IMG_5368 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5389 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Light blocker
IMG_5390 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Doser stand with mirror in background
IMG_5393 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
Things are plugging along I have lost a few corals and a few fish since the last update but added a few more and have two more in QT. I accidentally ordered three Flame Cardinalfish (Apogon spp.) thinking they were Stop Light Cardinals. They all died! Not sure why they are sold in groups at all they hate each other to death....literally I moved my two black clowns to the Frag tank with my older clown and to my amazement she is still fertile. In the last month or so she has laid two clutches of eggs. So my black pair of clown separated and one took to my original clown. My mated pair of Orange Spotted Goby's also have parted ways. Since my last update I purchased a Flame Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus jordani) female that is now in the display tank along with a new Curly-Que Snapping Shrimp. I have two wrasses in QT a Hooded Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus) female and a Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri) male.

I also picked up some new corals since the last update and will try to get some good pictures of them in the coming days.

LEDS are still a pain in the bottom but some of the corals I have noticed have starting shifting color since I aquired them. A few are starting to show good color. I am getting good growth on corals so I'm not complaining too much. I do plan on adding some supplemental T5 lighting to the main disaplay and maybe replacing them on the frag all together. I am still up in the air about it. I even dug up my old MH lights from the garage. I want to plug them in and see if I can match the Radium look with my eye right now tank may be a bit too blue. Plus having to post edit every picture is getting

Things are plugging along...lost a few corals and a few fish since the last update but added a few more and have two more in QT. I accidentally ordered three flame cardinals thinking they were Stop Light Cardinals. They all died! Not sure why they are sold in groups at all they hate each other to death....literally I=I moved my two black clowns to the Frag tank with my older clown and to my amazement she is still fertile. In the last month or so she has laid two clutches of eggs. So my black pair of clown separated and one took to my original clown.

LEDS are still a pain in the bottom but some of the corals I have noticed have starting shifting color since I aquired them. A few are starting to show good color. I am getting good growth on corals so I'm not complaining too much. I do plan on adding some supplemental T5 lighting to the main disaplay and maybe replacing them on the frag all together. I am still up in the air about it. I even dug up my old MH lights from the garage. I want to plug them in and see if I can match the Radium look with my eye right now tank may be a bit too blue. Plus having to post edit every picture is getting

Coral Pictures

IMG_5493 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5524 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5549 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5569 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5668 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5599 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5600 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5645 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5668 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5671 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_6207 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_6217 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

3. Looks Orange from above
IMG_6226 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_5631 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

IMG_6228 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

6.Second Clutch
IMG_5971 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

7. The First Clutch
IMG_5676 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

8. Old Fathful
IMG_5397 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

9. All Dead
IMG_5429 by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

10. Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse by LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr

Wow!!! �� everything is doing great, and coloring up. I cant believe how big the orange cap is now.....

Do you have a clownfish nursery set up?

I'll take two �� �� clowns, Ive been eying a pair but haven't pulled trigger.

So happy everything is doing great in your system!
Wow!!! �� everything is doing great, and coloring up. I cant believe how big the orange cap is now.....

Do you have a clownfish nursery set up?

I'll take two �� �� clowns, Ive been eying a pair but haven't pulled trigger.

So happy everything is doing great in your system!

Yea the cap looked pretty in the picture. I don't even want to take a new one after I fragged Now its missing a

I have never tried to raise baby fry. I may move the wrasses from QT to the main tank soon and and use the QT as a staging area for them. The clowns actually laid another clutch of eggs this weekend. I may tweak their diet and see if I can get them to be viable hatchlings. This clutch was not as big as the last but still good size. LOL if I can get a few to hatch and catch them I will keep you posted. I think right now they are fish

Wow! Nice update! Corals look super healthy and the pics are really good.

reefmutt - Thanks man. I try really hard to capture the real color of them as they are without photo shopping. That way when people stop by it's not like hey where is that insane color coral you posted and I show them a brown I am still trying to get better so hopefully they can only get better :).
Lol, it will grow back super fast in your system.

The hatchlings eat live rotifers for first week, Miguel hurtado mixes the rotifers with phytoplankton. The rotifers eat the phytoplankton, now the fry eat a more nutritious meal.

You might have to raise all the fry in the quarantine tank away from all fish just the fry.
Lol, it will grow back super fast in your system.

The hatchlings eat live rotifers for first week, Miguel hurtado mixes the rotifers with phytoplankton. The rotifers eat the phytoplankton, now the fry eat a more nutritious meal.

You might have to raise all the fry in the quarantine tank away from all fish just the fry.

they eat rotifers for a week, then baby brine shrimp.

I wonder what cool color morphs you will get from an standard clown and black clown? hmmm?

I will have to do some research to see how hard it is actually raise some. I moved my wrasses into the main display yesterday. I have them in an acclimation box I made for my last tank. I have only seen hatch once with this clown years ago and I was around when they first released. They swam to my flashlight and then the fish ate them right in front of I think it will probably just be a dark variation from them breading. Nothing too special.

On a side note I lost my lawnmower blenny in the main display. He had been getting skinny over the past few weeks. I guess he finally starved or something else was wrong because he was still trying to eat each day.