I have started to revamp my frag tank and get it back on the right track now that corals in the main tank a growing at a good rate. So far on the frag tank I have completed the following.
- Replaced Oceans Motions with SCWD Wavemaker
- Added an Apex Breakout Box
- Replaced the return pump
- Changed the ATO to Tunze Osmolator Nano
The OM was a little overkill on the frag tank and made accessing the front of the tank difficult at times with the plumbing. I revamped the plumbing and replaced the OM with a 1" SCWD. Instead of four outputs there are two. So far it seems to be doing well. I brought 3 the first go around and plan to put the other two on the main display. I will probably run into the same issue with support as I did with OM. Initially I was in contact with Paul over at 3iQ Ventures LLC and communication was great. Things kinda slowed down with his responses and I have not heard from him since Dec 16th. Oh well we will see how well these last.
I added the breakout box after I flooded the basement a weeeee bit. Something sent my skimmer on the fritz and caused it to overfill the skimmate container. In turn the the ATO kept pumping water. In all about 30 gallons or so were pumped into the floor. That flooded the fish room and ruined the floor in bar area and then made it the carpet area all the way to the sectional. So wifey strongly suggested I get my act together! I had to redo the floor all the way to the third row from the right due to user error. When the floor flooded I decided to take my blower and point it under the floating floor. At the time it seemed like a great idea but after the air caused the whole floor to lift it snapped loose where my bench was. The only way to fix was to take up the whole floor to that point

My Simplicity return pump failed the day after the flooding of the floor. The pump itself did not fail but the controller head did. Simplicity customer support is top notch and I worked closely with them to order a new power supply. I had been meaning change the pump from a 2100 to a 1600 for a while so I guess it was a blessing in disguise. With the new 1600 I don't have to throttle the pump back as much.
I finally changed out the ATO to a Tunze Nano ATO. The micro ATO was a little annoying with the beeps and for some reason it would not work consistently. It was probably user error but I don't think it like being turned on and off. I probably needed to put it on socket 4 or 8 but I just replaced the ATO.
With the above items I am making progress to get the frag tank back on track. I still need to make a cover which I hope to complete in the next week or so.
DSC00526 by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
DSC00530 by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
DSC02363 by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
In Progress ...if you look you about 4 boards in from the left you can see the seam toward the fridge
DSC00535 by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
All Finished
DSC00538 by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
I ordered some new fish and gave a new place NY Aquatics a chance since Live Aquaria lost their minds with a silly box charge and changes to how credits were applied. Ever since they were brought out they have been going down hill.
The fish arrived in in great shape and packing was done well. I ordered three fish and a couple of inverts. The inverts did not make it but I followed the DOA procedure and I choose to have my money refunded. No issues on refunding my money! Fish were healthy and great size. I will probably give them another try after these ones come out QT.
- Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis)
- Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
- Spotted Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus)
Spotted Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus)
Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Salarias fasciatus) by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis)
Orange-Back Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis) by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr
Spotted Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus)
Spotted Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus) by
LifeThrough_TheLense, on Flickr