Finally my dream tank (Up & Running)

Definitely. I think few people have the luxury of being able to take a top-down like that; it's a very cool look.
Just when i thought I had run out of room I found more room
Some of my latest additions.






Looking good. How about an updated full tank shot? Btw, I took a break from fish tanking this summer... That's the reason I didn't call you about any frags. It looks like your latest update has the tank doing well!
You've been busy! Very nice looking softies in the tank. I always find that rimless look very striking... Gets my wheels turning on tank upgrade ideas :) I don't see that foxface, still hiding or did he get the boot?
Thanks man. Yeah the fox face was rehomed. He never would stay colored up in my tank. I love the rimless tank but I will never buy another low iron glass tank. They scratch WAY too easy.