Finally my dream tank (Up & Running)

Thanks everyone. I may not get crazy growth with this tank but it's really on cruise control now. I have very little algae or coralline which is fine with me. I'll gladly sacrifice coral growth for less maintenance.
How do you like that jebo40? What else other than the mag 12 return and the jebo do you use for circulation?

Is that right you are runninv 2 ai sol blue? I have suspected that if people hung them higher and turned the intensity up less fixtures could very adequately cover tanks. How high above the water are your ai sols mounted? I assume they run paralell with the 48" side, how is their coverage on the 24" depth?
LOVE the Jebo. I do have a korilla 1050 that runs every 10 min for 10 just to give some flow from a different direction until I can get another Jebo and hook them up to my Reef Angel.

Yep just two sol blues 9" AWL. They are both running at max for 4 hours @ 90 royal blue, 80 blue and 70 white. They provide plenty of coverage and light.
Do you supplement the ai sol with any other light or is the color we see from them alone?

Do you use natural seawater or make your own? If the latter what kind of salt do you use?

Do you have to run a chiller?
Nope no other lighting is used.

I used Reef Crystals every 3 weeks and collected ocean water every 9 weeks.

No chiller. Tank stays the same temp as house AC 77-78
Nice tank! Very natural looking great placement of corals...What kind of red macroalgae is that on the lower right hand side?
Here are some updated photos taken 7/27/13

Tanks Shots








Is that an orange spotted goby in yesterday's pictures? Any issues with him jumping?

It is a Diamond goby. I have never had an issue with fish jumping in 20 + years of keeping saltwater fish. I make sure to pick my fish for compatibility VERY careful and at the first sign of aggression the aggressor is removed. Fish that we keep in our tanks don't jump for no reason.