Finch's Envision


New member
I started this build about a month ago on another local forum. But I thought I would share what I have done so far with RC.
Tank is 60x30x24 built by Envision acrylics with an 18'' external overflow and a Bean animal style system through 3 1.5'' drains.
The return portion is 3: 3/4'' return lines through the back wall of the tank, fed from a dart external pump.

The Display tank is in my basement, and all associated equipment is behind the tank in the fish/laundry room.
Stand was built into the basement due to size constraints on all doors leading into the basement.


I also painted the display tank wall black so that it would blend well with the black back of the acrylic tank.
Looks great so far. I really like your stand. Any info on equipment yet? I'm planning a similar build hopefully to start at the beginning of next year.
Here is the sump. The builder was Ed from Ed's reef here locally. He gave me a killer deal and the work is even better.
dimensions are 48x20x18
I will be using a super reef octo xp3000 with bubble blaster pump for this build. Mike from Reef Specialty hooked me up with this skimmer, and so far I am pleased.
Thanks. James at Envision was fantastic to deal with and the quality of the build is definitely top notch. I am fortunate to have such a great acrylics guy about a half hour away.
Left side

Left front


Front right




all aquascaping was done with marco rocks, and a few dried fiji rocks I had lying around.
Nice work. It looks like its almost time for some critters. What are your plans for the tank?

The tank will be an sps only with maybe a few lps since my wife likes those.
I am not sure what the stock list will be just yet. So far there are 5 sm green chromis in there. Its been three weeks with water and those fish, so I might start adding some more stock soon.