Finch's Envision

Hopefully soon I will get some pics of the tank room when I get it finished, or close to finished. Thanks for the compliments everyone.
Here's some pics of the mechanics behind it all. All the equipment is located behind the tank in the laundry/tank room. Lucky for me it's a larger than normal laundry room and my wife doesn't mind.
Its almost done, I still have a bit of electrical to do and a few odds and ends.
since I am an electrician, and I had all the stuff to do it I ran 3 Dedicated 20A circuits (nutty)
It's a bit overkill since all of the equipment could run on one circuit, but what the heck.

2 sunlight supply galaxy 400w select-a-watt ballasts
2 BRS dosers for CA and ALK
The Reef keeper lite will control the dosing, lights, monitor heat, PH, and also shut down the MH's if things get to hot


Beside the sump in the corner is the Dart return pump, and the two 4 gallon containers used for holding two part solution. You can also see where I ran the skimmer air intake lines outside to reduce noise and balance PH. I used a dryer vent to cover the penetration on the side of the house and make it look cleaner.

Fresh water storage is supplied by the BRS RO/DI mounted on the other side of the room by the washer and dryer. A float valve inside helps reduce the risk of overflows. Coming out of the container is a line for the ATO controlled by an autotopoff. com dual switch. Another line T's off from that with ball valves to allow me to fill up my make up water container and my wife's fresh water tank.

Skimmer is a beast! It's been running for about a week now and considering the very small bioload on the tank, has almost filled the large collection cup.
Looks good, I have one question for you. That check valve you have, how much water will overflow your sump when it fails? It WILL fail.

Water shouldn't overflow, I put it in for other reasons. Also that type of valve has been reliable for years and is easily removed for cleaning if I wanted to.
The hanging canopy is a nice touch to the look of your system. How many pounds of marco rocks do you have in your display?

I can't say for sure because some of it I already had on hand and then I added another 150 lb. I think I have somewhere around 200-250 lb though.
I'm glad you like the canopy. It ties in well with the overall look of my stand and the rest of the room really well.
Looks good, I have one question for you. That check valve you have, how much water will overflow your sump when it fails? It WILL fail.


Wow... .. . A prediction of DooM!!!!! :fun5:

Really nice & clean Build. I really like the tank dimensions, lots of depth for some great Aquascaping.
No prediction of DooM, I was mistaken and I am sorry for sounding harsh. I personally remember 3 gallons of fresh RO water spilling onto my carpet. It was a mess!
I simply wanted to help prevent such a disaster or a worse one that's all. I would appreciate if someone were to point out something to me if they saw something of concern. But that's me.

I appreciate people who point out possible problems in someones system. It might help them from making a big mistake later on down the road. I have the check valve on the dart because I often shut the pump off to feed the tank. It just keeps all the water from draining so fast and then avoids the micro bubbles and salt spray caused by turning the pump back on with low water level in the DT. And one last reason for the check valve is so that when I do this I don't have to worry about my skimmer overflowing when the sump level gets over the baffles.