First macro shots


New member
Posted this in the photo forum but wanted to share here as well

Using a Canon EOS 450D with a Tamron 90mm lens. Set to manual focus. Used timer and tripod. Camera set in AV mode. F11. ISO 200. RAW format. Ordered Photoshop but havent gotten yet and haven't played with white balance at all. Used Picasa to view and crop it to the current size and view.

Would appreciate any and all feedback to help me improve my shots.


The pics look a little grainy. I think a change in ISO will help with that. Also, it looks like there are moving particles in the photos as well as moving tentacles on the first shot. Turning all pumps off will give you clearer shots.
Exactly. Use the lowest ISO you can get to. You can also adjust your white balance just a hair. One thing I will say is to write down your adjustments, so you can reference them later and make adjustments as needed. Otherwise looking very good. What other lenses do you have? Before I got my macro lens (then my son dropped it after I bought it) I used macro filters when doing my nature stills. They usually come in a set with a +2, +3 and +4. You can also stack them on top of one another. Obviously you will want a macro lens to do the job correctly but they aren't bad for about $20.

On a side note, sorry about having to own a canon. We cant all be Nikon owners :P

I would venture to guess that the "graininess" is from using Picassa to process the pictures. An ISO of 200 is not going to add much grain to the picture in the same sense that a "film" camera does. And, if it did, it would not be noticable. With that being said, you usually do want the lowest ISO setting as possible.

Once you get your Photoshop software, you will have a much better tool for processing pictures. It is immensely more sofisticated than Picassa. As a matter of fact, it is capable of so much that it is overwhelming.

It sounds like you have the basic equipment down. The one thing I would recommend, is the "remote shutter". I believe there is a tethered version that will plug into your camera, and a wireless version as well...although I am not sure, because I also shoot Cannon.

Turning off the current in your tank will go a long ways torwards the capture of those "tack sharp" pictures. Also, try to always be straight on with your subject. Angles always show up as distortions. Shooting at night with all competing light sources off will also garner better results...and I am sure you have figured out...never use a flash.

The other thing I notice between my computers, is the difference in the color display between monitors. On my laptop, the images alsways look more washed out...on my desktop display, they always look oversaturated. There are specific software calibration programs to "adjust/correct" the colors of your monitor. I haven't done this yet, as I am waiting to upgrade my desktop and monitor...

...this is another tangent of the hobby that can be/is more costly than reefkeeping itself. The biggest ingredient to a great photographer, is "shoot, shoot, and shoot. It is very common to take 50 shots...and be happy when 1 or 2 of them are usable. As you get more familiar with your camera, and what settings are appropriate for the effect you want, relative to the conditions of the subject, the ratio of trash photos to usable photos, gets better.

Hope this helps some...

Another option if you want to try is gimpshop to process your images. It's free. Try it out it's not like it cost anything. Plantastic mentioned turning the flow off and that is huge. It will get rid of micro bubbles, debris etc. Plus it will give more polyp extension for a short while. Oh and clean your glass before you shoot lol.

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@Dublo8 Yeah I know only special people get Nikons, I don't rate. I have a standard 50mm lenses and a Tamron 18-250. But everyone says use a straight macro, which is why I picked up the 90mm which offer 1:1 the others don't. If my buddy doesn't come through with a copy of Photoshop as promised I will try gimpshop, thanks

Thanks plantastic, reefstew and Frct

Any issues with the Fstop?

Tried some shots at 100 ISO and seems a little better. Will try to take a bunch more shots this weekend and will post. Hopefully some good shots