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Keeping track of your age get harder as you get older.
That looks like a devil's hand leather. Maybe. Google some images and compare. You'll know in a few days cause it will pop tiny green polyps out if it's that.
Keeping track of your age get harder as you get older.
I have a toadstool leather and the "skin" gets devoured by my tang. If it did not get consumed, I would just leave it. Food for somethingAh, yes, that's what it is. The polyps aren't coming out, though. Hmm, it looks like it's starting to shed. Well, if it's anything like the gorgonian, I guess it's polyps will come out once it's done shedding. Pain. In. The. Butt. I hate scooping out the skin >_<. Well, I can't just let it float around, injuring the other corals. Plus, one of the sun coral polyps was trying to eat some skin earlier, so I had to suck it out of its mouth with my target feeder.
if there's big pieces stuck to an acro, it's worth snagging, I wouldn't worry about getting all of it. Leathers shed frequently as they grow and are damn near indestructable. They go through lots of cycles of growth and splitting and polyps out, polyps in, they deflate for awhile. They can even survive outside water for a few hours at low tide. It will be mad and deflated from the move for a day or two and then it should start to perk up. Don't be concerned when it starts dropping fingers. they will fall off and blow around the tank until they stick. it's out it reproduces.