First time buying LR and got a Mantis!


There is a small scientific literature about stomatopods - mostly taxonomy and vision - but very little about life history and behavior. The Lurkers Guide is one of the best spots on the web. I suppose if you could compile all of the information at this site, there would be the makings of a book. Perhaps when these old bones won't make it into the field anymore, I'll write one.

I didn't mean to offend anyone keeping a smaller mantis in a 2.5 who has some experience with saltwater. In the original post, however, hauerfan stated it was his/her FIRST TIME BUYING LIVE ROCK(...also his/her first time setting up a salt tank I presume). I also noted that they've only been registered since Mar 2003. It seemed like they were more of a newcomer who was really searching for good information. The quality of the pictures suggest a larger sized shrimp as well. I don't think it's the best advice to give a presumed newcomer to the hobby. Otherwise, I agree that it is completely feasable to keep a small one happy and healthy in a 2.5 gallon. Glad yours is doing well Kara.
Heuer - I'm not too sad about the damsel ;) I specifically bought him cause I've always wanted one of that kind and I would NEVER put on in my main tank. I knew when I bought him he would probably be food. I just might keep a damsel in there because its' nice to have a fishy for those times my mantis isn't being busy in the tank. Back to the LFS I go.. gonna need a running supply of damsels it seems.

Dr. Roy - I've printed out and read 'Lurker's' from end to end.. more than once, hehe. I was just hoping there might be more out there I missed. I love reading about their vision, it is truly amazing. Can I name my mantis Roy? Please? I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't be offended.

Conky - Thank you. I have only been in the reef keeping obsession for about 4 months now. BUT.. I read and read and read and talk to everyone I can, and I ask millions of questions. You're right about a itty bitty tank being quite difficult for us noobs. I just have an overwhelming drive to learn all I can and to get it right the FIRST time. ;)
if you want to get rid of it, ill take it, i have a 10 gallon he can go in, Im right in whitestone. let me know
Sylie- working on shrinking the file. Will send it as soon as i can.

Wedf- perfect, drop me an email so we can arrrange for a meeting. A 10 gallon is perfect for the mantis, its much bigger than what i could do for it. Thanks!
you think the chopstick thing was kool thry putting your finger there (hehe)

the only thing good about a mantis imo is the part were they eat the damsels