Fish and Inverts (and some macro)


New member
Just a few from yesterday. :)









That's a chubby algae blenny!

Overall, nice job. Several look a bit "over flashed" to me. Try to avoid centering your subject. The bristle and last two shots are better composition. Cleaning glass before shooting helps with the final pic.
Thanks Reef Bass for the feedback! I was being lazy, I should have pooped on a diffuser, or dialed down the flash, but it was late and that 5 foot walk to the closet just seemed too far... :)-

You know what's odd? I'm a stickler for the rule of thirds usually, but whenever I take aquarium pics, I go hog wild and start centering everything. No idea why, but I'll try and keep it in mind.
I hear the tendency to center compose. I stuck there myself for some time. If I were taking a shot of a frag for a wysiwyg website, showing the entire frag centered in the shot would be appropriate. But when trying to create a beautiful photograph, I look for visually balanced off center composition. And for macro photos, I find it is often the case that the photo is more effective when the entire subject is not shown. It removes some of the perspective which allows the user to focus on the textures, colors and composition without the preconceived bias about how something "is supposed to look".