Fish Expert Opinions Needed


New member
Hello all,

I'm thinking if putting my Powder Blue Tang and Achilies Tang together in the 300g tank.
Can it do able?
If yes, how can I do it?

These are pics of them

Powder Blue Tang

Achilie Tang


Can you divide the tank with egg crate until they get used to each other? Are they going into a tank where one is already established? If so, maybe take the established one out for a while, then reintroduce after the new one is in.

I think I'd be more worried about the Sohal than the powder blue and achilles...
They will most likely fight LisaD's remark is spot on the sohal is normally an extremely aggresive tang, but her suggestion to put a barrier between them for a while is your best bet.
Thank you LisaD, kinlayan, and Cantonesfish.
I will try your advice.

Cantonesfish, I do not have the Sohal anymore. It was getting to big for the tank.
Here is the old fts