Fish have the shakes!?


New member
Every once in a while my Flagfin, coral beauty, and clownfish will just out of the blue start shaking their heads in quick short bursts for just a few seconds. Is this symptomatic of anything? They look very healthy and eat well, and water parameters look ok.
Afew possibilities. First, water quality. Do a couple large water changes. Did you quarantine these fish?
How long have you had them?
Could be the start of ich or another parasite or disease. If they have no visible spots do the water changes for now and just keep an eye on them

PS....Your the second Firefighter I responded to today..I wish my husband [a firefighter] was into this hobby!!;)
What about stray voltage? Does it happen at regular intervals and to all of the fish at the same time or intermittently?

BTTRFLYGRL, I also wish my husband (a firefighter too) was into this hobby!! I'm trying to get mine interested. We just had a LFS open up about 2 miles from here and next to the grocery store so when we go shopping, I get him to come in with me to "look around". I also try to involve him some - I'll ask him what he thinks about this or that and he seems to like inverts like shrimp/hermits but so far, no real conversion. lol
I will look into all those possibilities, thanks! Also, thats so funny you two are both into the hobby and your husbands arent! Its just the opposite with me, my wife could care less. Although she will feed my fish once during the days I am away 24hrs at work. Its just cool bttrflygrl that he lets you keep such a large tank. I think I am that second and first firefighter you responded to, you gave me advise on finding a large acrylic tank at premium aquatics, I really need to make it down there and check em out.