Fish Health Through Proper Nutrition

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11172417#post11172417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Questionmarc
yea whats the best food?

I think that questioned was answered in the very first post on this thread-----but thanks for re asking it---I had lost track of this thread---so now I can keep track of it again.:smokin:
Great info...
Let us not forget that our Carnivores not only eat the "whole fish"
But they also comsume what that fish had in its stomach.. ie the veggies are important also.
To me, the best food is the one your fish will can then soak it with Vita Chem (my favorite) of Ecosystems Fish formula ( I use both) or some of the others leebca mentioned. I too try to stay with fresh frozen foods because the prepared foods are so much higher in PO4 than I like...cause I really don't like any. Your gonna get some in any food...even frozen...but at least it is not added.

Thanks for the post leebca on something that is so often overlooked.....yet so key to success.
Several people have asked Lee some questions. Sadly Lee has moved to two other BBS. I don't think RC will let me post links to them here. Do a Google or Yahoo search and you should see his threads.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11472895#post11472895 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lj1064
What about adding cod liver oil to the soak mix? Very high in vit D

I would not add CLO only because in it's preparation it is not soluble and may or may not sbsorb as well into food as Vita Chem or others. Also, it will create an oil slick in your water...that your PS will likely remove. It would not hurt anything, but there are just petter preparations.
HLLE- I want to try adding Beta Glucan- the capsules are 10 mg each. I usually feed 2 frozen cubes of food in a.m.- how much should I add? Thank you.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11876331#post11876331 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
what is the scoop on Rod's . People are treating it like the be all and end all of fish food.

It's just darned good food. :) Contains a little of everything from big chunks of meat down to oyster eggs and rotifers. It's like the Borneman recipe only I don't have to go through the mess. Highly recommended.

Rod's soaked in Vita-Chem is the only food that goes into my nano unless I get lazy, then it's Hikari Marine S pellets. What I like about Rod's is the colors of the fish really pop and my corals think it's yummy too! As it says on the package it's the complete reef food. I tried making my own food but that was a mess and my mom didn't like how the blender smelled...........
Nothing I have tried help my tangs- they still look raggedy; the corals look great, though. What is Rod's, and how do I get it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14607003#post14607003 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by danica
spam removed

I'd really like to know what this post has to do with FISH HEALTH? Or why you felt it necessary to spam this thread with a commercial link?
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Rod's is good food, but I do not believe it contains the veggies tangs and other herbivores really need. You should be feeding the tangs seaweed/nori every day. They are just like kids and will eat all the junk food you give them, but you have to make sure they eat their greens first! I always feed seaweed first and let them have that mostly before adding other foods. I would soak the seaweed with a few drops of vitamins for a few min before giving it to them.
As far as Tangs I have been using Dried Purple Seaweed I find it has the most Vitamins compared to Nori sheets.They only hard part is finding it at times.
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