Fish ID: Moorish Idol look-a-like?

I'm not convinced that every xanthic morph "turns back to normal" after a while in captivity. There is a tri color yellow tang in England (Mo's fish) that is not close to normal after being in captivity around 3 years. It has lost alot of the black, but retains all three colors. Perhaps the owner of this MI will get as lucky.
aberrant fish

aberrant fish

Jus too add, sometime the colour variation gets more profound.

Here's a picture of a tang I've owned for about 8 years, it's been through lots of colour changes, starting off a yellow brown, becoming a tri-colour tang and more recently looked like this....

white tang transformation.....

white tang transformation.....

And 7 other yellow tangs! Beautiful tank!!
Actually 14 Yellow tangs, but no more details, because, I'll be sending this tread off topic, which I don't want to do, I love aberrant fishes.

if you want a challenge see if you can find a picture of the white fish 6 years or so ago, there's a few pictures around.