Hello Kevin, Patrick
I double checked for the stray voltage with my electrician and it is negative. I'm doing saltwater aquarium for almost 3 years now.
Actually the new tank which I built has no option/place for a proper sump, tank is located inside a showcase compartment and no plumbing work or sump can be done. So I placed a partition tank made of acrylic sheet and placed inside the tank. Skimmer is placed outside the tank and skimmer pump is placed inside acrylic sump. I have used very-small size gravel and sansibar rocks. Salinity level never swinged, always at 1.024. Wave maker and return powerhead producing good water agitation.
I know sump is necessary, but due to no option of placing a sump, I made this acrylic internal sump (1.5 feet width x 2.50 feet height).
Placed brown-colour ceramic rings, sponges and ceramic balls as media (in good numbers).
Used nitrobacter beneficial bacteria powder.
Usually I mix salt in water and after a day Or two I will use sand and rock. But this tank is located in such a height where I should use a ladder from behind to work inside the tank. I can barely touch the bottom of tank even using ladder, so I placed rock first, added water, mixed salt. Tank capacity is almost 475 liters, as I don't have a drum or big container to premix the salt in water, I poured water in tank and mixed salt running wave maker and powerhead.
I have prepared many saltwater aquarium, but never saw fishes twitching their gills/head and making erratic swimming and lying in ground, almost to dying stage.
My established tanks - 2 feet tank and a 4 feet tank.
I didn't introduce any snails or invertebrates in my new tank so far. Found few tinges of green algae in 2-3 rocks. Tank is located outside doorstep, so tank gets enough outside light, so never switched on aquarium light so far.
Bear with me for the lengthy message.
Thanks in advance.