Fish in overflow

I have 3 chromis in mines, probably leave them there until I move the tank. They still get there fare share of food also
I've drained my overflow with suction to about 2 inches of water and reached in by hand to get a wrasse, problem is he jumped back in a couple of days later,
drop a firecracker in the overflow when the fish floats up grab him ....of course your going to need a new tanks so then its all good anyway lol

+ on just drain out some water then grab him
When I had the large tank, I had my clown go exploring. I managed to get him out my sticking my arm down the overflow and cradling him up. To avoid the jumping problem, I picked up some thin sheets of acrylic from HD, sprayed them black and cut them to fit the overflow.

So no more fish in the OF and no light for algae.
The right sized net and a ladder worked for me on the tight overflow I used to have. Dropping the water down will help. Taking the drain pipe out has also worked. They really should make little doors on overflows, or make the whole thing where it can easily be opened.