I'm a novice with a 100 gallon salt water tank. I actually use a local guy(self taught hobbyist) to take care of my tank. But with all the lost fish, I wonder if something is being missed and I don't know enough to figure it out on my own or where I should even start. I've lost 4 fish since August and I'm in the process of losing a fourth. Except for one, they all exhibited the same behavior...stopped swimming, just hang out in one place in the tank and sometimes come out to eat. They usually last a few days in this state before passing away...I had a Desjardin's Sailfin who died suddenly. My husband thinks he ran into a rock and knocked himself out but he never revived (added to tank 6/10/21, died 8/18/22). My Blue Hippo Tang was the next to go (added to tank 8/22/20, died 9/12/22). My Yellow Tang died a month later (added to tank 9/22/20, died 10/23/22). A Blue Damsel fish also died (added to tank 7/26/20, died 11/17/22). And now my Neon Puffer is showing the same signs and I'm guessing I will be losing him in a few days (added to the tank 6/8/22). Other than the change in behavior, they look healthy...nothing on their bodies to indicate a disease. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The guy who helps with the tank isn't sure what's going either. Thank you for any help/suggestions...
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