Fish list 180 help


New member
I'm not sure what fish I want. I have a 180 FOWLR, with ASM G3 Protin skimmer.
Currently I have
2 Clowns
3 green chromis
1 algae blenny
1 royal gramma
1 coral beauty angel

I like the following fish but don't know which to add
blue girdled angelfish
longnose hawkfish
yellow tang
powder blue tang
blue tang
3 dispar anthias
3 blue reef chromis

What would you all do? How many fish can I put in a 180?
i really like blue tangs, blue chromis are cheap and look great too.

good luck with it champ. and welcome to reef central.

The anthais will be hard to keep.
And the hawk may go after shrimp, crabs and snails.
Otherwise your list should work.