Fish list for 150


New member
Howdy. I am upgrading my 54 corner to a 156 (5*2*2).

Here are my current fish:

1 Royal Gramma
1 Orange Fin Blue Damsel
2 2 Percula Clowns

I also have many peppermint shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, many snails and a brown brittle star.

Here is my wish list for the new tank (in addition to the above):

6 Green Chromis
3 Anthias - Bartletts or Lyretails?
1 Tang - Yellow?
2 Spotted Mandarins
1 Goby (with a pistol shrimp)


1 - Does this list look OK?
2 - Which kind of Anthias?
3 - What kind of Tang?
4 - Will the pistol shrimp argue with my other shrimp?

Other comments?


umm looks ok
iwould have ....
5 green chromis
3 lyretails
1 tang- scopas or yellow
1 mandarins or 2 if u have plenty of LR
goby w/pistol sounds good but ivee never kept a goby w/a mandarin so idk but good
if u are planning to have corals what type sps,lps,softies??
thanks fishes.

why lyretails rather than bartletts? why 5 rather than 6 chromis? as far as other inhabitants -- LPS, softies, BTA & a few SPS.
just my opinion about the lyretails(thier color) and be sure you get 2 females and only one male. chromis do better in odd numbers for some odd what type of lighting are you planning to use on the 156?? and are you going to have a sump ??
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6990309#post6990309 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishes2889
chromis do better in odd numbers for some odd
There was a thread a couple of months ago asking this question, to people who had chromis, and out of the hundreds of responses, it became patently clear, that there is absolutely no merit to that statement.
my lfs always told me that they do better that wya but, i guess hes wrong ive had a school of 15 and 9 and never had one die or any of them being aggressive but, its just his and my opinion. it seems to be just a wierd thing for me and the lfs owner.=)but then again i have never had a group of an even number but w/e.
If it was me, I'd go with the Bartlett's as they are smaller fish than the lyretails -

I have a shrimp goby & shrimp in with my mandarins - no problems - I also have a cleaner shrimp - the 2 shrimps occupy such different nches - they don't even notice each other

I'd pass on the chromis's if what you're looking for is a school - just hardly ever works out

Yes- yellow tang, but I'd add a smaller one after the other fish are well established

Good choice on the spotted mandarins as they don't get as big as the others & therfore need less food for making eggs & mating etc. - Mandarins are usually very busy with the reproductive stuff
sorry to be off topic but do you mind if i ask where you got your tank? what brand is it? ive been looking for a tank with those dimensions and thought they didnt exist. thanks in advance
