Fish list for a 180 FOWLR


New member
Currently I have
3 blue/green chromis
2 clownfish

I want
3 Blue Reef Chromis
3 Anthias
1 Yellow Tang
1 Purple Tang
1 Coral Beauty Angel
1 Powder blue Tang

I have a ASM G3 protein skimmer. Would this be too many fish? I want them to be easy to care for too, are they?
i think instead of a coral beauty a flame angel would add a nice splash of red to your tank. just my opinion though.

i think thats a good fish list.
make sure the tangs are added at the same time though.
If you try to add more chromis atop the others already there, you may see a fight.
Maybe several more anthias?
I third the Anthias. Say 8 Anthias - Lyretails or Bartletts. Purple and Yellow tangs should be added at the same time and be the same size. I have a Coral Beuty and a Flame - so Flame does add a nice splash of colour although the Anthias will be giving you lots of orange.

Lastly, think about a centrepiece fish. The tangs are nice but how about an Imperator Angel? And if you never intend to add coral you could keep pretty much any angel. My favourites are Annularis (Blue Ring), Blue Line, Majestic, Goldflake and Regal (although some of those aren't considered easy). All are stunning though. :)

Lastly, drop the chromis - boring unless you have loads. :D

3 Tangs, 1 or 2 Dwarf Angels, 1 Large Angel, 2 Clowns, 8 Anthias. Definitely doable in a 180 as long as its 6x2x2. The large angel and powder blue will need the 72" length.