Fix Your PhotoBucket Pics! MUST READ!!


Premium Member
I know we're all tired of seeing' "third party hosting has been temporarily disabled". And if you're the author of a thread with a lot of beautiful macro shots of corals it becomes upsetting that your thread is worthless. However, there has been a fix for a few months, but I don't think the word has spread.

Let me tell you how easy it is. I don't know when RC allowed us to edit our posts indefinitely, but it works in our advantage. All you have to do is edit your thread and where you linked the photo bucket picture add this: ~original after jpg and before [ /img ] (no spaces). Below is an example of Schnitzel's thread with the first 2 pictures corrected and the others left the way they were.

This may take a while but your thread is instantly brought back to life. And if you use the "cntl c" to copy ~original and then use "cntl v" to paste it, it will go pretty quick.

If you're still confused as to how it's done, quote my post so you can see where ~original exactly goes.

If you bump this thread to keep it at the top, to allow more people to read, we can do away with all these worthless threads. SPREAD THE WORD


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