flaming prawn goby (Discordipinna griessingeri)


New member
does anyone know where I can snag one of these awsome little guys any help would be greatly appreciated, I tired ordering one from vividaquariums and im about to get a refund on it because they keep telling me that they keep dying in qt, and i really want one of these little guys
over $100 for a 1/2'' fish , cool fish but no way id pay that give them a few years they will be 20 buck and at every local pet shop
looks like liveaquaria is out of stock on them boooo, just my luck lol thanks so much for the link though
I actually used to work there some years back lol and I talked to chris not to long ago and he said they cant get them in so i was really bummed
they (kermits can get them) problem is they are so tiny they can get lost quickly I 'm sure if you talked wtih dave (since the saints won) you might be suprised at your answer. Mine is 3 years old and I can count how many times i've seen him/her on my hands..although exciting i might spend my money on a fish you might see more often.
over $100 for a 1/2'' fish , cool fish but no way id pay that give them a few years they will be 20 buck and at every local pet shop

wow carlos you have one ,,, Oh as much as i have looked into them too , i like them a lots since my tank has a few goby's in there lol i just might go ahead and get one too lol .. even if butthd said that uptop lol im just going to ignore it hahahaha
i actually had 2 but one didn't make it I only warn people about this fish due to my own frustration in only actually seeing him 8 times in 3 years!!!!!!
naturally a small tank 20 or less might get them moving around more and remember when they say 1" they mean 1/2" really tiny like a panda goby
Scott Perry has/had one, and he is going to break down all of his tanks soon. Try PM'ing sperry here on RC. If he still has it, I am sure he wouldn't mind selling it to you.
Good News!! Amy has a Flaming Prawn Goby and is putting it up for sale on the website check it out. saltwaterdiscount.com. $79.85