flaming prawn goby?


New member
i just set up a 2 gallon fluval spec with built in filtration because i didnt wanna put him in my 38 gallon reef bc i want to actually see him is this 2 gallon tank ok for him and 2 sexy shrimp with rock?
I guess he could be ok in there, but you should just put him in your 38 gallon reef, he will be happier there.
The mandarin is not a true goby and he/she feeds on pods and such in the rock. He probably will not do well in your tank long term. They won't compete either way. The prawn goby should be fine with your mandarin, but I would suggest doing more research on your fish before purchasing them. Just a thought, welcome to the hobby. :)
Your 38 is too small for a mandarin. It will slowly starve to death. Also 2 gallon is too small for anything except a Betta. Make sure you do your research or your tank inhabitants will not be very happy and will suffer.
train it to eat frozen mysis for the manderin, btw they hunt and eat all day and can quickly diminish a pod population in a tank so unless your adding a bottle a week dont be surprised if it starves out
i had a 2.5 setup for a few months ..even the hermits looked bored. as for "training" a mandarin .... lmao . you can train it to die if you dont have enough pods , most will never eat frozen foods -
As long as you can feed him and keep water quality/parameters in check, the FPG will be fine in 2g. The thing is the size of a rice grain. :)

Manadrins can be trained to eat frozen, even pellets. Probably even easier in a smaller tank. Search this forum for mandarin feeding stations.
As long as you can feed him and keep water quality/parameters in check, the FPG will be fine in 2g. The thing is the size of a rice grain. :)

Manadrins can be trained to eat frozen, even pellets. Probably even easier in a smaller tank. Search this forum for mandarin feeding stations.

sweet , thanks for the tip . my mandarin (any ive ever seen in person for that matter) has no interest in anything ive attempted so ill be sure to check it out -