Flashstick availability

COOL!! Now Matthias, I think you know what im really waiting on drumroll please..........................39w dimmable ballast that will work with the Profilux any word/time frame?
and Im having lots of fun with the new upgrade thanks!!
There are loads available from China, but we will not supply them due to the fact we literally have not got time to test every one for functionality. As with everything GHL quality is paramount.

I would suggest your own research but step with caution there are many out there but not many of good sound quality.

Light sticks - We have a shipment landing tomorrow and every one has already been allocated BUT we will be ordering a large batch very soon, I hope landed in time for xmas. I suggest ordering in advance from your retailer now so you are on the list for supply.

If you are unsure of your nearest retailer, please contact us by email only and we will let you know, due to RC rules we can not list them here as some are not RC sponsors.
I'll wait till you guys come up with one.Not worth the risk forget about messing my Profilux up,I dont think the wife would think kindly of the house on fire!! lol