Flatworm Exit for Nudibranch Removal


New member
So after constant vigilance and a war of attrition, I'm ready to move to the chemical warfare stage against the zoa-eating nudibranches that have invaded my nano. I read that Flatworm Exit does a great job in getting rid of these guys, but I'm worried about residual death to other beneficial life in the tank. Biodiversity is important to me, so I'd rather not lose other squishy inverts if I can avoid it.

Does anyone have experience with unwanted residual die-off as a result of using Flatworm Exit?
I wasn't aware that it worked on nudibranches, but I've used it in the past for flatworms and it may make snails a little lethargic, but I saw no other ill effects to fish, corals, other invertebrates or pods.
Thanks. I worry about all my little critters...probably a little too much.

After some more research, I'm going to give it a go. I'm tired of having to constantly scan my zoas for these guys.