Flems 65g Long/Rimless Mixed Reef


New member
First off I'd just like to finally formally introduce myself here on the forums. I have been around for just under a year now mostly lurking (as we all do) and poking my head into discussions here and there. Since starting in this hobby, I've gone through the huge learning curve that any new hobbyist goes through. I started in January with a 33g FOWLR tank as a foundation and entry in to the aquarium hobby. Sure I've had a goldfish, but need I say more?

All my life I've been fascinated by animals. Sure humans are "unique", but there is so much more out there on this Earth that it is beyond human comprehension. 99.9% of all species ever to exist on Earth have already come and gone yet how much have we actually discovered? Better yet how much do we actually understand? The ocean is one place that has captivated me from day 1 it seems. Its an entirely different world we can ever TRULY experience, but still we can hold just a fraction of it in our homes.

Now onto the current part of my hopefully never-ending journey. In April, 2010, I made the jump up to a 65g tank. While on a tight student budget, I've slowly pieced together a setup that I know I've built to accomplish what I need. It may be a little shabby in places, but it works. Why mess with a good thing? Future endeavors are to make this an SPS dominant tank, but that will come after time, stability and a few final touches if a size upgrade doesn't come first. :)

Here it goes...

65g Long/Rimless Tank (48"x16"x20"H)
~90lbs Fiji/Marshall/Tonga/BRS Reef Saver Mix
~1 1/2" Aragonite Seafloor Special SB
33g Sump (Skimmer>Return<Fuge)
-250w Icecap w/14k Phoenix
SWC160 w/PPW

Quietone 300 Return Pump
MJ900 for Fuge Feed
BRS Dual Reactor w/NpX Bio Beads & MJ1200
2x Koralia 4's & 1x Koralia 2

Temp: 78.5-80.5*F
SG: 1.025-1.026
pH: 8.0-8.2
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 10
dKH: 8.5
Ca: 480
Mg: 1400
I'd also like to note that I've just started vodka dosing this past week too. We'll see how the pellet/vodka combo goes.

Stocking List

Hippo Tang
2 B/W Occ. Clowns
Lawnmower Blenny
Yellow-Belly Blue DAMNsel

Cleaner Shrimp
Crocea Clam
Purple/Green Hammer
Green Brain (ID Anyone?)
Green Fungia
Aussie Duncan
Finger Leather
Orange Monti Cap
Blue Aussie SPS (ID Please? :inlove:)
Pink/Orange Acan
Green Birds Nest









Obviously there will be more to come. Ive constantly got my camera out as Im a P/T photographer and all it takes is a matter of me ACTUALLY uploading the pics I take to Flickr. Im open to comments, suggestions and the friendly chat should anyone be interested. Hope you all enjoyed it as I have so far.


P.S. I thought I'd make my 100th post here at least a little special ;)
The tank looks really nice and everything looks healthy. The hippo however, will need to be moved to a larger tank. They can quadruple in size in a year's time and can get over a foot in length.
The tank looks really nice and everything looks healthy. The hippo however, will need to be moved to a larger tank. They can quadruple in size in a year's time and can get over a foot in length.

Thanks Sugar. As for the hippo, Im more than aware of their needs and as this one is reachin my tanks limit I already have plans for a new home that is EXPONENTIALLY larger than its current one. I can tell its been a little stressed lately so its time for a move. I do have to thank you for keeping it civil tho as we all know how things get out of hand :)
A few more shots :).




Just got the yangei and prostrata today(yesterday now) :D.

The prostrata is green w/ bluish tips, although the polyps are fairly bland.

The yangei is AWESOME, it practically glows. We'll see how these new SPS additions go. Both already show PE, hope this continues as well as maintained colour (neither lost any during the 1 hr stop-go traffic ride home). Updates to come in the near future.

New update:
An MP20 is on its way from Florida. Cant wait to get this baby in. I never really have been impressed by the koralias and they seem to be responsible for the fair amount of stray voltage in my tank. We'll see what Vortech has to offer soon. :)

Both the yangei and prostrata appear healthy and continue to show PE and great, if not better colour. I was away since thurs and being some of the first few acro additions I was worried, and well... still am, but time will tell.

On a side note the blenny starved and stopped eating before he could be moved to his new home. He did his job, just too well it seems, and I feel the guilt. The clam also fell the other day due to rearranging the K4's. I guess it didnt like the flow and before I returned from a short trip it was a gonner. The acan also wasnt expanding for quite some time. I tried various feeding regimes, moving it to different flow/light, but nothing helped. It hadnt lost any colour, yet it was not showing off in my eyes. A move to a friends tank and it flourished the same day. Im just glad to see its fine and may try with a future frag from it when the time comes. :(
...otherwise all is well.

Biobeads are offline; wasn't satisfied and didnt notice any difference. Vodka has more than done the job from when I started 2 months ago. Colour has improved and nitrates have dropped as well. I dont plan on going ULNS, but my ongoing target is to keep NO3 @ 2-5ppm. My only concern is whether or not I'll have to run GFO/Carbon. Current conditions indicate a NO on that, although I am going to do a little more research. If anyone has any input, then feel free to do so :).

Temp: 79.5-80.5*F
SG: 1.025-1.026
pH: 8.0-8.2
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: <10
dKH: 9.5
Ca: 480
Mg: 1400

Stocking List
Hippo Tang
2 B/W Occ. Clowns
Yellow-Belly Blue DAMNsel

Cleaner Shrimp
Purple/Green Hammer
Green Brain (ID Anyone?)
Green Fungia
Aussie Duncan
Finger Leather
Orange Monti Cap
Blue Aussie Acro (ID Please? )
A. Prostrata (green w/ white/pale blue polyps, likely due to being baked at the store)
A. yangei
Green Birds Nest
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New update:
An MP20 is on its way from Florida. Cant wait to get this baby in. I never really have been impressed by the koralias and they seem to be responsible for the fair amount of stray voltage in my tank. We'll see what Vortech has to offer soon. :)

On a side note the blenny starved and stopped eating before he could be moved to his new home. He did his job, just too well it seems, and I feel the guilt. :(

Sorry to hear about your loss. On a different note you will love getting the huge koralias out of your tank. Also your tank is beautiful!
Thanks to you both. I may keep one k4 or 2 at on end for the added circulation if needed. Well, at least until I get the parts to upgrade to the mp40 if I can strike a few deals.
Just a quick update. The MH is out and the tank is now lit buy a 6x54w Tek light.

Bulb combo as follows, front to back:

Fiji Purple
Aqualight Special

Still messing with the combo. Currently has eggcrate and 2 layers of windowscreen for a quick acclimatization period. I'll have pics up soon.
Thanks here's a few new shots from under the T5's which are all on. Sorry, non of the fungia, but they will come; it glows under the new lighting. Final bulb combo as follows(F>B):

Fiji Purple
Aquablue Special

Still gotta get the WB a little better, but its pretty close...

The gang under the new lights:

Caught this guy after he fell off the rocks...

Front and back are dawn, dusk from 2-1. Bulbs 2-5 are on at 5 and off at 11. Im using the screen method for acclimation, currently using 2 layers. I will remove another layer one week from Tuesday as long as things are progressing. It seems the tank is reachting a little as I can see small changes everywhere. Nothing really too bad yet besides spotting 2 aiptasia on one of the rocks. Luckily I was thinking of removing that rock earlier so out it went. I just hope they aren't on any of the surrounding rocks. Its weird how theyve evaded my sight thus far, but I guess the t5's shed a different kind of light on things. We'll see how this goes for now :).

On a side note Im trying to mix vinegar into my carbon dosing regimen. Im now dosing 1.5mL vodka : 4 mL vinegar. My nitrates have crept back up and I'm not all to sure why. Water changes have been in place and I bumped up the does to what its at now in order to combat the problem till I find the source. I think it may be the old rock remaining in my tank. Not sure how I could prove it tho?:reading:
Temp: 79.5-80.5*F
SG: 1.025-1.026
pH: 8.0-8.2
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: ~5ppm
dKH: 8.5
Ca: 460
Mg: 1350

Stocking List
Wheelers Goby
Hippo Tang
2 B/W Occ. Clowns
Yellow-Belly Blue DAMNsel

Cleaner Shrimp
Green Brain (ID Anyone?)
Green Fungia
Aussie Duncan
Finger Leather
Orange Monti Cap
Green Monti Cap
Green w/red polyp Monti
Blue Acro
A. Prostrata (green w/ white/pale blue polyps, likely due to being baked at the store)
A. yongei
Green Birds Nest

Changed the scape again. I think Ive found one I like and which allows better coral placement. Nitrates are slowly on the way down. Feeding and inadequate w/c's were likely the cause.

Heres a few pics:

More to come!
What made you decide to make the switch in lighting ? Hypothetically, if you could acquire a MH/T5 combo fixture for a similar price would you go that route vs. strictly T5 ? Look forward to hearing your thoughts
Hey Doc,

I made the switch due to the flexibility in lighting options as far as bulbs go. I've yet to make any changes with the exception of moving the bulbs around and have found a mix Im happy with. (F>B - B+,B+, Special, Fiji Pink, Actinic, B+).

So far, I've actually experienced better growth under T5's, but since I was only using 1 HQI lamp and have also lowered my nutrient level Im pretty sure its not just the T5 switch.

If I could have went with a 2x250w, 2/4x54 w T5, I probably would have.
Temp: 79.5-80.5*F
SG: 1.025-1.026
pH: 7.8-8.0
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: <5ppm
dKH: 7.5
Ca: 420
Mg: 1350

Stocking List

Wheelers Goby
Bicolour Blenny
Hippo Tang
2 B/W Occ. Clowns
Yellow-Belly Blue DAMNsel

Cleaner Shrimp
Green Brain (ID Anyone?)
Green Fungia
Aussie Duncan
Finger Leather
Red/Orange Monti Cap
Green Monti Cap
Purple Digitata
Green w/red polyp Monti
A. Prostrata (green w/ white/pale blue polyps, likely due to being baked at the store)
A. yongei
A. nana
Unknown Green w/Blue Tip Acro
Unknown Blue Acro
Green Birds Nest
Pink/Green Birds Nest

Few more additions and pics...

Mediocre growth for the BN after 3 months (post #5), colour is phenomenal now.

Heres an actinic vs full spectrum shot of the A. nana (colour matched 99% & yes it is two separate pics), this is my most favourite coral so far...

This is a new addition. The tips are much more brilliant blue in person, I just couldn't bring it out without throwing off the colours. This will be a B-E-A-utiful colony someday.

New Bicolour Blenny has found is new home atop the tank. Note how much the nana has encrusted. It has exploded with basal growth since mounting 3 weeks ago.
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Just a few pics with about 4 months of growth. Some slow, some fast, you can only hope for the best. I botched the camera settings this time around, I will have to look back to see what they were for future reference. Enjoy!

may 2011_9 by fl3ms, on Flickr

New favia, love the colours on it. Decent price point too :P

may 2011_8 by fl3ms, on Flickr

Top right acro in this shot is a new addition, unknown name.

may 2011_6 by fl3ms, on Flickr

Nov '10 > Feb '11 > June '11

may 2011_4 by fl3ms, on Flickr

may 2011_3 by fl3ms, on Flickr

may 2011_1 by fl3ms, on Flickr

Can ya see me?

may 2011 by fl3ms, on Flickr

Same brain, shot taken Feb 11th. Decent growth, much more noticeable in person.

Feb - 2011_11 by fl3ms, on Flickr
Heres a few update pics. Everythings finally starting to take off! Enjoy!



Heres the prostrata I posted. Its grown a TON and changed from brown/green to bright green/blue with bright blue tips.

Montis are fanning out too...