Florida Keys collection trip/w permit


Can anybody suggest a good collection area in the Florida Keys off the Overseas Highway #1. I am aware collecting from reserves and state parks is illegal.

I'am going down there in April.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11373056#post11373056 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by venom00viper
I second that thought. I have been wondering myself. Also what can all be found down there? Thanks!

I re-posted this same topic in the Florida, Panhandle club; they seem to have given me more information.

Is there anybody collecting near Lauderdale/Miami?
well I go round here in west palm beach. Lots of cool stuff. Just no time and much less the space at home to keep any of it.

i was planning a snorkeling trip during my xmas vacation so i too would like to know of a good spot like mile marker # and all that good stuff
This type of thread comes and goes every couple months. The best answers we seem to get are 'there's a good spot around mile marker XXX'...which is a little vague as far as directions go.

It appears that those with good secret spots want to keep them just that, which is completely understandable. I'm sure if they posted a location to find ricordeas/zoos/etc there will be nothing left within a matter of days....

just my .02
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11378941#post11378941 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jon770
This type of thread comes and goes every couple months. The best answers we seem to get are 'there's a good spot around mile marker XXX'...which is a little vague as far as directions go.

It appears that those with good secret spots want to keep them just that, which is completely understandable. I'm sure if they posted a location to find ricordeas/zoos/etc there will be nothing left within a matter of days....

just my .02

DING DING DING DING!!!!! We have a winner! IF I knew where there was a good spot I would keep it to myself as well. And of course I would like to know where to go too :-)

BTW I am off from 12/24 - 1/2 so if anybody wants company snorkeling I'd be totally into that. Also as an FYI the Marriott in Key Largo is tight!

I am going to be staying at a friends house in big pine key all next week, if I see anything worth collecting I will post it.
You have to know where to look...I was at a spot just off a small bridge were the water was at 1ft the lowest and 6-7ft the deepest. There I saw all kinds of stuff...
Tons of local tropical, colorful fish...even gobies. Serpent stars all around, you just have to move a few rocks to find them, hermits, shrimps, brain coral, some type of cocoowrm, hugh starfish. And we saw all this on a bad day the water was murky due to strong current.
But very few... I mean very few will give up thier spots.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11373056#post11373056 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by venom00viper
I second that thought. I have been wondering myself. Also what can all be found down there? Thanks!


I have see many many nice corals most are zoos,brains gorgonias,I took mell to that bridge were he is talking about is not the best place to go but I have see lots of nice corals there I know some other nice places but guys the water is cool right now:)

inverters like shrimps I have seen even more
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11379192#post11379192 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dent2011
I am going to be staying at a friends house in big pine key all next week, if I see anything worth collecting I will post it.
Keep us/me posted on your trip and try to post picture of location, finds and underwater if possible.

There's lots of places down there but you are going to be very limited if you don't have a boat. Some stuff around the bridges(including tasty lobsters) but be careful of the currents (which RIP in and out) and the fishermen. Also make sure you know whats legal to take and whats not. And lastly, if you aren't from Canada make sure to have a full wet suit or you won't last very long in the water.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11384784#post11384784 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sonic
There's lots of places down there but you are going to be very limited if you don't have a boat.

How about using a kayak?

Are the currents good for Island or patch reef hopping on a kayak?:cool:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11384842#post11384842 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DiazE
How about using a kayak?

Are the currents good for Island or patch reef hopping on a kayak?:cool:

Thats definitely doable ;) . The currents are only real strong around the bridges since this is the only place the tides get to move between the gulf and Atlantic.