I know you're thinking 157 gallons is hardly a Nano, and this Floridiot guy is living up to his screen name. Well, I know full and well that 157 gallons doesn't qualify as a nano, but my tank will draw less electricity than many nano tanks. It will also cost LESS than some nano tanks I've seen. For this reason, I’m calling it a nano.
Here is an example of what I’m talking about: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1247955 - Please note that I'm not knocking this guy in any way. I admire this guy's enthusiasm, and there is no doubt in my mind that he's going to have a killer reef tank in due time.
I personally would rather have a larger system, since they are much easier to maintain. My aquarium will be a mixed soft, LPS, and SPS (easy ones) system.
Now I'm building this system almost entirely from second hand items. The only pieces I plan on buying (or have already bought) from a retail/online store will be the lighting, the sand, and a few pieces of live rock used to seed the dead rock I purchased from 'TheOtherReefer'. I also built the stand myself. The tank, Tunze streams/controller, Ca reactor, skimmer, sump, base rock, cleaning magnet, and test kits have already been purchased from other members here and from ebay. I plan on stocking this tank entirely from buying frags from local reefers, and buying livestock from fellow reefers who are getting out of the hobby.
For starters, this is the tank I purchased from ryder119 (she's a great seller, and a pleasure to deal with):
This tank is built really well and I believe it was built by Karen and Bob from Exotic Aquariums in Miami. The tank is made of 3/4" glass on the sides and bottom. The top euro-bracing is 1/2" glass, and there is also 1/2" glass bracing along the bottom edge of the tank for extra strength. The dimensions are 42" x 36" x 24" tall. These dimensions add up to 157 gallons, but if you recalculate using the inside dimensions, it will really only hold about 120 gallons.
This tank still hasn't been water tested. Apparently ryder119 had a mix up when ordering this tank, and recieved the tank with different dimensions than she thought she was getting. You can read about it here:
As you can see from the pics, it was built for a closed loop system, but I’ve sealed the holes with bulkheads and black painted PVC plugs. I also painted the back of the glass black. I will be using Tunze streams since they are far more energy efficient than any external pump. I'm awaiting the final two vacuum suction cups I ordered on ebay to show up, so I (and 3 friends) can lift this tank onto the stand.
Here is the stand I built:
I'm pretty much a hack carpenter, but I do believe this stand turned out pretty well. I had a hard time finding concealed thick door hinges, but I finally found them at a place called Specialty Supply in Pompano. The hinges I got are Blum in case anyone here needs to get some.
Here is an example of what I’m talking about: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1247955 - Please note that I'm not knocking this guy in any way. I admire this guy's enthusiasm, and there is no doubt in my mind that he's going to have a killer reef tank in due time.
I personally would rather have a larger system, since they are much easier to maintain. My aquarium will be a mixed soft, LPS, and SPS (easy ones) system.
Now I'm building this system almost entirely from second hand items. The only pieces I plan on buying (or have already bought) from a retail/online store will be the lighting, the sand, and a few pieces of live rock used to seed the dead rock I purchased from 'TheOtherReefer'. I also built the stand myself. The tank, Tunze streams/controller, Ca reactor, skimmer, sump, base rock, cleaning magnet, and test kits have already been purchased from other members here and from ebay. I plan on stocking this tank entirely from buying frags from local reefers, and buying livestock from fellow reefers who are getting out of the hobby.
For starters, this is the tank I purchased from ryder119 (she's a great seller, and a pleasure to deal with):
This tank is built really well and I believe it was built by Karen and Bob from Exotic Aquariums in Miami. The tank is made of 3/4" glass on the sides and bottom. The top euro-bracing is 1/2" glass, and there is also 1/2" glass bracing along the bottom edge of the tank for extra strength. The dimensions are 42" x 36" x 24" tall. These dimensions add up to 157 gallons, but if you recalculate using the inside dimensions, it will really only hold about 120 gallons.
This tank still hasn't been water tested. Apparently ryder119 had a mix up when ordering this tank, and recieved the tank with different dimensions than she thought she was getting. You can read about it here:
As you can see from the pics, it was built for a closed loop system, but I’ve sealed the holes with bulkheads and black painted PVC plugs. I also painted the back of the glass black. I will be using Tunze streams since they are far more energy efficient than any external pump. I'm awaiting the final two vacuum suction cups I ordered on ebay to show up, so I (and 3 friends) can lift this tank onto the stand.
Here is the stand I built:

I'm pretty much a hack carpenter, but I do believe this stand turned out pretty well. I had a hard time finding concealed thick door hinges, but I finally found them at a place called Specialty Supply in Pompano. The hinges I got are Blum in case anyone here needs to get some.