Hello, I have been running two 6095's in my mixed reef 30x30x24in cube for the last 2 years. I've tried moving my power heads around in different configurations but I'm not able to balance the right amount of flow with the placement of the pumps. I've got ~25 SPS coral mid to high level, zoos and euphyllia at the lower level. I'm trying to keep the powerheads towards the back of the cube so they don't block the view.
Both 6095s are running at ~80%. I've been considering purchasing a Maxspect Gyre or an MP10 to get a wider flow. The 6095's have plenty of power. I just cant get the placement right. You guys are pretty sharp. Any suggestions on powerhead placement? Anybody use two powerheads to create a Gyre? Thanks.
Both 6095s are running at ~80%. I've been considering purchasing a Maxspect Gyre or an MP10 to get a wider flow. The 6095's have plenty of power. I just cant get the placement right. You guys are pretty sharp. Any suggestions on powerhead placement? Anybody use two powerheads to create a Gyre? Thanks.