Flow Opption Help

john rochon

New member
I have a 500g 8 foot tank. It already has 8 holes in the back and 3 on the sides for closed loop [capped presently].
I will be redoing flow this summer as its just setup with minimal right now. what would you do? I'm keeping energy savings in mind with this.

#1. TUNZES [how many, which ones]?
#5. VORTECS [lots of issues it seems with them]

any ideas or help would be great
For such large tank. I would go with 4 tunze 6201 on multi controller 7095. But if you like CL, Dart pump and couple OM would but it will not be as strong as the tunze plus it will use more electricity and heat transfer.

Koralias will not be enough unless you want to add a bunch which will be an eyesore.

Seio i wouldn't go there

Vortecs, many like it but you need to be careful if you own an acrylic tank

My question for you

What are you planning to keep?
I'm a mixed tank kinda guy.
I haven't done the energy add up but do you thing 4 x TUNZES
will be less energy than 2 X darts? sound like it would be.
If energy consumption is an issue, you could also look at the Red Dragon 2 pumps from Royal Exclusive. Low consumption, big flow.