Flow recommendation for 120G


New member
I have a 120G SPS dominated (24x24x48) that needs some better flow.

I have a corner overflow on the left hand side of the tank. I have a 6101 hanging off the overflow aimed along the back of the tank (parallel). I have a 6085 directly above the 6101 on the back wall pointing to right front corner of the tank. I have a 6055 on the back wall right side pointing about one foot from the left hand side front of tank angled down. 6101 and 6055 are both independently controlled by

When I have the 6101 up close to full I get sandbed blowing around. The 6085 needs to be pointing pretty high up in the tank or the sandbed blows around. Also the LPS wind up getting blasted too much.

I am thinking about a) getting a 6201 shroud for the 6101 for more diffuse flow/undertow b) adding a 6105 with a 6205 shroud and to replace the 6085 so I can point it lower in the tank and c) replacing the two 7091s with a 7096. I want to keep the pump placement as unobtrusive as possible and because I have corals growing pretty much everywhere in the back half of the tank I need to be careful about shading them.

What do you think about this plan and how should I configure my pumps? The rockwork goes all the way to the back (this tank was started quite a few years ago so I didn't know about islands etc at the time and I'm kind of stuck with this rockwork.
I think your plan is fine, but you probably can also dial back the flow of the 6101 and 6105 by changing the jumpers on the power supply and this could eliminate the need for the new shrouds. For the older 6101, I have the 6201 shrouds used and could make you a package deal if you got the 6205 shroud.
I was actually thinking the 6101 on the left across the back with the 6055 above it pointed towards the right and the 6105 on the right pointed left. Do you think two big pumps on one side and the 6055 on the other would make more sense?
I think only the 6101 and 6105 are needed, the 6055 is just more expense and more equipment in the tank and shouldn't be necessary.
Hmmm... The 6055 is not more expense - I already own it but I guess I could sell it. Less stuff in the tank - that's always a good thing!

So the 6101 hanging off the overflow pushing water along the back wall on the left towards the right and the 6105 on the back wall on the right creating a big circle flow or the 6105 above the 6101 pointing front right to create a one way then the other then mash up flow on the right hand side?

Also - does just out of curiosity - does the 6205 shroud also fit on the 6085?
I am sorry, I had overlooked that, but I still think it is more flow than needed. I might set up the 6101 and 6105 and keep the 6055 for any areas you want to target with more flow.

The 6205 will "fit" a 6085, but the pump won't work as the 6085 prop won't hit the stops when it spins backwards and will tend to spin backwards as a result.
I've been reading more about flow and now i am wondering if I should be adding a nano wavebox? Would I still need to add a 6105? If I was going to do one or the other (6105 or nano) to complement a 6101 which be more effective.

If I was going to add both through time (6105 and nano) which should I add first?

From a configuration perspective I could put the nano in back right hand side of the tank but there is rock along the back. I have read that you can set them up facing the front of the tank and still get a wave. Is this a better option than having it run lengthwise but going into the rockwork?