I have a 120G SPS dominated (24x24x48) that needs some better flow.
I have a corner overflow on the left hand side of the tank. I have a 6101 hanging off the overflow aimed along the back of the tank (parallel). I have a 6085 directly above the 6101 on the back wall pointing to right front corner of the tank. I have a 6055 on the back wall right side pointing about one foot from the left hand side front of tank angled down. 6101 and 6055 are both independently controlled by
When I have the 6101 up close to full I get sandbed blowing around. The 6085 needs to be pointing pretty high up in the tank or the sandbed blows around. Also the LPS wind up getting blasted too much.
I am thinking about a) getting a 6201 shroud for the 6101 for more diffuse flow/undertow b) adding a 6105 with a 6205 shroud and to replace the 6085 so I can point it lower in the tank and c) replacing the two 7091s with a 7096. I want to keep the pump placement as unobtrusive as possible and because I have corals growing pretty much everywhere in the back half of the tank I need to be careful about shading them.
What do you think about this plan and how should I configure my pumps? The rockwork goes all the way to the back (this tank was started quite a few years ago so I didn't know about islands etc at the time and I'm kind of stuck with this rockwork.
I have a corner overflow on the left hand side of the tank. I have a 6101 hanging off the overflow aimed along the back of the tank (parallel). I have a 6085 directly above the 6101 on the back wall pointing to right front corner of the tank. I have a 6055 on the back wall right side pointing about one foot from the left hand side front of tank angled down. 6101 and 6055 are both independently controlled by
When I have the 6101 up close to full I get sandbed blowing around. The 6085 needs to be pointing pretty high up in the tank or the sandbed blows around. Also the LPS wind up getting blasted too much.
I am thinking about a) getting a 6201 shroud for the 6101 for more diffuse flow/undertow b) adding a 6105 with a 6205 shroud and to replace the 6085 so I can point it lower in the tank and c) replacing the two 7091s with a 7096. I want to keep the pump placement as unobtrusive as possible and because I have corals growing pretty much everywhere in the back half of the tank I need to be careful about shading them.
What do you think about this plan and how should I configure my pumps? The rockwork goes all the way to the back (this tank was started quite a few years ago so I didn't know about islands etc at the time and I'm kind of stuck with this rockwork.