I have a Reefer 350 and will be housing primarily SPS corals. I was going to shoot for 50x turnover in the tank. I was going to originally purchase two MP40s to do the job. Looking at my display size, (73 gal total w/sump 91) I calculated that to be 3650 gal per hour if I'm correct in only including the display volume. The MP40 is rated at 4500+ GPH. Would I be alright with just one, or would it be better to get two and run them together at a lower settings to achieve the flow?
Thank you!
I have a Reefer 350 and will be housing primarily SPS corals. I was going to shoot for 50x turnover in the tank. I was going to originally purchase two MP40s to do the job. Looking at my display size, (73 gal total w/sump 91) I calculated that to be 3650 gal per hour if I'm correct in only including the display volume. The MP40 is rated at 4500+ GPH. Would I be alright with just one, or would it be better to get two and run them together at a lower settings to achieve the flow?
Thank you!