Fluke Tabs for killing Acro Flatworms


New member
Somebody mentioned this to me about these tabs.Using them "only" as for dipping your acros.I friend of mine is treating her tank now,with the other products that can be used here.I do remember something a long time ago about these Fluke tabs.But tried to do a search,but haven't came across it.I was told as soon as the coral hits the dip,they die right away.It is a safe product to use on your corals.You really don't have to use a turkey baster,or wait a long time before they die.Was wondering how many people have really used the Fluke Tabs?Just trying to help her out here.Would like people to post there results here,as for using this as a dip.No it doesn't kill the egg clusters.If it kills them that fast.You wouldn't really miss any,if this is the case.Especially the really small ones.