Flushing a fish down the toilet..

Why even make a post for this?
Happens all the time. Fish die by the thousands each day.
Indeed, people need to exercise more responsibility when stocking tanks and need to be very careful not to "overstock". But, you also have to define what "overstocked" is exactly.
In short, the fish should have been given away, but it wasn't. 1,000+1 fish died that day.

And that brings up another question I've never been able to understand. Why do these boards continually have "animal cruelty" threads and "inhumane treatment" arguments when fish are "cruel" to each other much more than the average hobbyist is to his/her fish. I mean coral poison each other to a slow and painful death... that seems a bit cruel to me.
That being said, there are some extreme cases of animal cruelty in our hobby, but an example of keeping a tang in anything less than a 90 gallon tank is definitely not one of them.
I think responsible reefkeeping exists for people to blow off steam about other people that aren't up to their standards, or as in this thread, to blow off steam about someone that is foolish and ignorant and should try to understand the animals they want to keep.

Sure, the OP new he was preaching to the choir, but he probably just wanted some people to share his outrage and frustration with.
just bring it back to your LFS even if it will only be worth pennies on the dollar for what you paid. Always research, then buy. I have even tested a false lemon peel in my reef only to find out that theyre tendancies are all true. They do nip at soft corals.
Although he was a beautiful fish after about two months his anxiety set in. before i knew it he was taking a taste of everything. Nice fish, bad environment. so he went back to the LFS. one of my favorite fish but,i must say i wanted to fillet him for nipping at all my healthy corals. i guess next time i wont by a FALSE lemon peel to save a few bucks!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12530192#post12530192 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by The0wn4g3
I mean coral poison each other to a slow and painful death... that seems a bit cruel to me.

I'm not sure coral feel pain. I don't think this is relevent. It's also a weak arguement to say, "well, it could've gotten killed in the wild, so flushing it live is A-OKAY!"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12556482#post12556482 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kmf507
I'm not sure coral feel pain. I don't think this is relevent. It's also a weak arguement to say, "well, it could've gotten killed in the wild, so flushing it live is A-OKAY!"

Well, I'm not sure fish feel pain. So I believe it is quite relevant.
I NEVER said it was "A-OKAY". What I said was 1 more dead fish really isn't that big of a deal. I wouldn't, and don't, take for granted the life of any animal that has a certain level of intelligence, but fish die by the tens of thousands each day (and that's probably a very low estimate anyhow). I'm not sure why that would be a weak argument. People don't discuss the ethics of an uneaten road-killed chicken when tens of thousands are killed each day for consumption. See where I'm getting at with this?
My point was, I'm not sure if this topic as a whole is really worth discussing. The hobbyist should not have overstocked the tank; I think we all agree on that. The hobbyist should not have flushed the fish; I think we all agree on that.
That's all I was trying to point out. :)
That is cruel. I'm no saint, but I'd more likely start a new tank for the offending fish.

I'm a sucker, I know. :eek:
Well, I think I would probably give it away, but that would also depend on my attitude at the time! If I was really ticked off I might do something rash and throw it down the crapper, but I'd like to think I wouldn't. Anyway, did you think you'd get flamed this much for this post?
Buying a fish is a responsibility. If you buy or catch a fish from the ocean to put it in your tank you're depriving it from a beautiful, natural environment, henceforth the owner's responsibility should be to provide for it. How would you feel if your were taken from your home and never again would be able to experience the outside and put in a house you could never go out of and only given certain things...that's probably how a fish feels.

You're really messed up to have done that. What are you trying to be a supreme being: choosing one's death?
Yeah it ****es me off when people flush fish down the toilet. I dont kill my fish, i give them away or take them to the fish store but if I was I wouldnt flush it down the shitter. That is just disrespectful of life. Why dont they just throw it in a bush in their yard or dig a hole and bury it? I mean even if it was already dead why flush it? We dont throw our dead relatives into a hog pit, why throw a dead animal into a nasty sewer?
Havent you heard about the giant clown fishies living in the sewer? Please dont contribute to their population!
Thats not cool, just because the fish was in an overstocked tank, which was your fault, you should not just kill it because it was protecting itself:-(
How would you feel if your were taken from your home and never again would be able to experience the outside and put in a house you could never go out of and only given certain things...that's probably how a fish feels.

No, you can't make that comparison. Fish are animals that depend only on instinct and external stimuli to function. Humans can reason, making us completely different than any fish...

You're really messed up to have done that. What are you trying to be a supreme being: choosing one's death?

What? That doesn't even make any sense?
1st of all, nobody here action did the "most horrible" deed. 2nd, How is that being a "supreme being"? If you see a roach running through the house I bet you squash it... Is that also being a "supreme being" seeing as you would consider that choosing one's death?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12741294#post12741294 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FlyinggFish
You're really messed up to have done that. What are you trying to be a supreme being: choosing one's death?

Chill out newbie! I would never do ANYTHING like that..Might wanna get your facts straight!
same way you sit there at red lobster chewing down your deep fried salmon. let me guess, its ok though its going to a good cause (food) hahaha. im with "the0wn4g3" on this one.