flushing live fish

You should have given him a swirly! ;-)

(That's sticking his head down in the toilet and flushing, if anyone doesn't know what a swirly is )
Big Al's won't care? Hmm, that's strange, because most if not all of the Big Al's here in Canada are pretty protective of their stock (at least the ones I have been in.) But I guess it varies from store to store. Their store in Florida is their only one in the US. I guess it depends on the poeple. Now back on subject...
You did nothing wrong by telling him he is not welcome. what you should have done is convince him that a Peacock mantis shrimp (the largest one, preferably) is a cleaner shrimp. You could get a kick out of THAT one. I actually did it to my friend once after he'd done something stupid as revenge. It was only a small G. Ternatensis though.
what about the fact that you support the collecting of thousands of fish and corals, not to mention the guy who caught the fish or coral and is probally being paid crap. Think about that!
"what about the fact that you support the collecting of thousands of fish and corals, not to mention the guy who caught the fish or coral and is probally being paid crap. Think about that!"

dont get what your saying?
that kind of syuff ticks me off expecialy the fact that he was so arragant about it. That is when you find the most expencive useless pice of junk in the store and try to sell it to him.

Related story:
I gess I was haveing a bad day or something but a coustomer came in to my store and said " I think I killed all my corral's" and I replied how did you do that? he said, They had algaegrowing on them so I took them to the bath tub and scrubed them off........................
I was dumnfounded and stared at him blankly.
he then asked "what kind of coral do you think I would beable to keep?"
with out hesitation I said "plastic one's"
he looked upset by my comment and stormed out the door.
I felt bad because I could have helped him with his mistakes.
It might have taken months but it could have been done.
Reality check dude! Where do you get off talking to a paying customer like that:mad2: Probably a thousand other ways you could have approached the situation. The fish buisness inflicts a hell of a lot more pain and torture & death to these anamials on a daily basis then someone flushing a few fish down the toilet! I say cheers to the guy who did it in order to avoid bringing them back to your nitrate infested store tanks:beer: The stress of being netted bagged and returned to foul pet store water would have put them through more stress and a more painful death Then what he did.
I can't believe the attitude LFS give their paying customers! Their Hollier than thou are attitude :lol: I know exactly the type of lame @ss lfs employee you are. If I was the store owner I would fire your @ss for talking to a paying customer like that. You ever go Salmon fishing? Fight it for an hour with your pole only to get it up to the boat and hit it over the head so you can take it home and fillet it for dinner?
Bottom line is it is a fish. He paid for it and probably housed it and cared for it better then your employer ever did. And when he decided to make the switch to saltwater he should have fed them to his cat and not flushed them.
Ya I'm a big @ss hole for speaking up for the end user. People! The collecting and selling of fish is not a clean or kind buisness and the fact is that a lot more fish die painfully worse deaths from collecting and bad conditions in transport. You just have no excuse talking down to customers like that when you support the very thing you bash him for.