Fluval Evo 5 Build & Progression


New member
So, I figure I'd document here my Fluval EVO 5 gallon pico reef here.

This is my Fluval EVO 5 gallon desktop reef tank. It has been up for a while, but I haven't done much with it. I was battling dinos followed by round after round of cyano and GHA. It has stabilized now.


InTank Media Basket w/skimmer (plastic piece on overflow) attachment.
Chemipure Elite
Smart ATO Auto-Top Off
Innovative Marine AUQA Gadget Hydrofill Ti Reservoir
Hydor Koralia nano 565 GPH power head
Aqueon Quietflow Utility Pump 600 (for return)
Hydor Flo Rotating Water Deflector
Aqueon Pro 50W heater

Stock 11000K light for now, but a new Nanobox Reef light is on order and is expected to be delivered by 8/26/2017.

2 nassarius snails
2 margarita snails
1 candy striped pistol shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 clown goby.

I had a Yasha goby that partnered with the pistol shrimp, but I had gotten busy and had an aquarium servicing company taking care of the tank for a while. They didn't realize there was a Yasha goby in the tank and after the first water change they did for me, it was gone. :-(

I plan on replacing it at some point.

Tank gets weekly water changes now. I just added the pulsing xenia.


Here's a link to higher resolution pictures:


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Awesome little tank! Must be an adventure! I have been wanting to get into saltwater keeping for quite some time but it is quite expensive. I am now working at a family owned pet store on my time off from my full time job and working towards getting a jbj 30gallon rimless tank with stand. That thing is beautiful! But I have been busting my but setting up this store for them. Lol

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Thanks! I'm hoping to keep some neat stuff in here.

Anyway, here's an update. I received my new Nanobox Tide M Plus and put it on the tank. Dave at Nanobox had recommended a 15" (rather than a 9") gooseneck, so that's the way I went.

I'm wondering if it is too high above the tank. The top of the light is 13" above the water. The light housing is about an inch thick.

I've got to work on the hoses and wires coming out of the tank. If anyone has any ideas on how to minimize them, I'd love to hear about it.

I can't put the heater in the back chamber since the media basket takes up all the room in the "intake" chamber, and the pump chamber's water level is usually kept sort of low. The hose for the ATO is kind of annoying too. Maybe I could try running it up the back next to the wall.

Nice tank. I just picked up a used Spec off craigslist. Currently only have live rock and sand in it to cycle it. Thanks for the inspiration.
Updates would be nice, starting my own Evo 5 and there's not much info out there

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My evo V. I need to start up a thread. Nice to see others have success with these tanks.

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Im getting ready to start a fluval evo v this weekend. Did you start a thread for your build? Also what typed of mods have you done?