FMAS Coral Restoration Foundation Dive Trip scheduled for July 2014


New member
Alright folks, many of you have been waiting for this annoucement.

We have Saturday, July 12th reserved with the CRF.

This is an exciting opportunity for FMAS as we wil have an opportunity to sponsor a reef ball site. What this means is that year after year we will be able to see corals we plant grow into large colonies. And observe the progression of "our" reef.

This event is open to not only scuba divers, but snorkelers too. We expect the dive boat fees to be at $75. Once we have a better idea of attendance, we will confirm the dive boat fee per diver.

We will need a minimum of 10 participants in order to make this event a reality.

Please RSVP by sending an email to

When: July 12th, 2014
Time: Plan for 8am to 5pm
Where: CRF in Key Largo, FL

Below are a couple pics and a video from past events in case you forgot what fun this is.




Video done by John aka Blackthunda
<iframe width="560" height="345" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thank you,

This is awesome, I think you guys were the ones that called us to rent our property, am I right? But it was overlapping with someone else we had scheduled. 3 story home in key largo.
Nice video. Do we need to have our own equipment? or can we borrow/rent?

Its usually done with one of the area dive boats, and they do rent the equipment.

I might be wrong but if im not mistaken, the boat fee includes the tanks.

Im sure marvin and or Galye will have all those details once an approx count is established.
Its usually done with one of the area dive boats, and they do rent the equipment.

I might be wrong but if im not mistaken, the boat fee includes the tanks.

Im sure marvin and or Galye will have all those details once an approx count is established.

Bernie - Eddie is correct.

As a club we haven't rented a house. But it's possible some of our members tried to.
Tariq J. on FB for reference

Thanks Tariq. I have you down.

Anyone else interested, please let me know within the next week. If we do not meet the minimum # of divers, we may not be able to do with the dive.

If you are scuba certified, this is something you will want to do. AS a hobbyist, this is also our way of giving back to the ocean and mother nature.
I think my son and myself will be able to go. I have to find out if I will be out of town. I have one full conference MACNA pass available if any one needs it.
Those that sent emails. I will be reaching out to you in the near future for confirmation.

Everyone else - please contact me if you are interested as I need a final count for the boat.

What was the final price for freedivers?

Final price is $75 for scuba. That includes 2 tanks and weights thru Keys Diver. The last boat we were looking to use was $50 for snorkelers. I will confirm this price on Monday for snorkelers. Please realize that as a snorkeler, your experience will be limited. The coral nursery is in about 30' of water and the reef is a little shallower.

If you are interested in going, please let me know soon as space is limited on the dive boat. I will be contacting everyone via email by Monday. If you have not heard from me by then, please email me at

The CRF dive will consist of the following:
We will have a presentation in the morning by CRF. This will include how to mount and plant corals. Then in the afternoon we will do a dive at the coral nursery and lastly a reef dive where we will plant corals.


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so who's going this weekend?

Darn. Last time i had just had knee surgery. This weekend is Lourdes 50th B-day.:xlbirthday: I cant miss that can I? Or maybe i should try......:uzi:

I would have loved to be there. Especially with the surprises Marvin has for them.