Fmas Feb 25, 2014 General Meeting: Automatic Water Changes

crap, I am unable to attend son won first round playoff game for football and has second round tonight. Someone video the highlights of the AWC and post it for us.

Hope Eddie does not get stage fright when the bright lights go on!!!
crap, I am unable to attend son won first round playoff game for football and has second round tonight. Someone video the highlights of the AWC and post it for us.

Hope Eddie does not get stage fright when the bright lights go on!!!

No stage fright here buddy. Lost it when i found a second job at the age of 22, teaching clinical rotations for Respiratory Therapy. That was 5-6 years ago, so have lots of speeches under my belt, :lol::lol:
Thank you, here is a picture of it in its new home.
Hey Eddie,

If you email me that powerpoint, I can post it on the FMAS website, in case anyone who missed the meeting would like to see it =)