Foam Rockwall w/ built in refuge for a 26 gal bowfront

My first marine tank was a 24", 60g cube! I loved it! I'm going the other direction on depth. My current tank is 30" deep, and it's a pain to keep clean at the bottom. And I'm 6'3" tall'! My next tank will be 24" tall.

I agree, your new lighting is awesome! You are a master tinkerer!

One possible (temporary) solution to your foam wall problem would be to hide it with chaeto, or other macro, so you also get the benefit of nutrient export. Just a thought.
My first marine tank was a 24", 60g cube! I loved it! I'm going the other direction on depth. My current tank is 30" deep, and it's a pain to keep clean at the bottom. And I'm 6'3" tall'! My next tank will be 24" tall.

I agree, your new lighting is awesome! You are a master tinkerer!

One possible (temporary) solution to your foam wall problem would be to hide it with chaeto, or other macro, so you also get the benefit of nutrient export. Just a thought.

You know, I was actually think about that a few days ago.
Most of the caulerpa I acquired died and/or got sucked into the canister filter intake strainer.

I think this is due to in lighting. I went from a sandwich bag full, to a tennis ball now. The light gap is only about 1.5" between the screen top rim and backside of the foam wall and the light was never directly over the gap. I do however have s bunch growing on top of the skimmer sponge pre-filter... It's more direct light through the screen portion.

I may try to let it grow over the plastic egg crate to disguise it.

I am still looking into dedicated 'fuge lighting, but not sure what yet.

I've been wanting a tall tank to make an island with tunnels for an eel for quite some time now. The plans are constantly changing though. The rock work and flow designs are the changing things.

I too, am rather lengthy at 6'2". Although I always pictured you as being shorter.. Lol long arms definitely has its perks when it comes to retrieval!

Still looking into all the PVC options for the sand filter. That's the only thing I have left to buy. Doesn't help that I lost the plans I drew up for the plumbing.. Doh!
It will replace the skimmer.

Heheh, don't think the wife realizes I plan on using it for this tank.. Lol
Sounds like a cool tank idea. Would the island/tunnels thingy be made with foam, or are you going to use rocks and attach them somehow? The aragocrete stuff they promote on the GARF site might be the perfect medium for something like that.
Anything cooking?
Luckily, no. Haha

Next week will be another story...

Going out of town for a week and a half and no AC for the duration. Just fans going in my easy bake oven for a house.
(The landlord will be watering the fish and is very cheap. If I didn't take and put the window unit in, I still wouldn't have one yet..)

Been rather slack with my posting in here, nothing really exciting going on.

No new tank additions, car troubles, and flying/studying taking up all my time. And the occasional odd job. The wife got a promotion last week though!

The 60° LEDs should be here any day now.
Plan on finding some nice ocean critters while at the beach to bring back.

Tank is doing good, the gbta not so great. Moved it next to the rbta again and it's looking a little better.
Silver fish is living out front and not getting picked on, even though the damsel still gets picked on.
Caulerpa starting to take over the egg crate. Will post progression pics in couple weeks.


The skimmer is working normally again.
Still haven't gotten around to buying the PVC stuff for the sand filter plan.
Going to cut up a laptop fan to blow across the tank next week.

Clowns are hosted by the rbta now.
The green toadstool stump has polyps growing from the top now.

Sold some frags.
Gave away the turbo snails.

Nothing too exciting.
The eel caves from your previous post would most like be foamed over PVC, or just a foam/rock structure with lots of caves and tunnels.
Tank looks good, corals look happy. I like your caulerpa prefilter as well.

Your eel tank idea sounds cool. Eels give me the hibigeebies!
The wife refers to them as snakes...

They're gonna be one of those, "hey, look what I bought and can't return items". Lol

Here are some mid-vacation critter pic's!

My ½ gal beta tank with mini elite filter and heater.

Full with some little bait fish I netted, yellow sea whip, a handful of little stone/Mithrax crabs, little cerith/nass snails, 2 coliactis tricolor nems, a sea pansy, and a pistol shrimp!

Big ghost crab. Body about the size of a racquetball.

Pretty sunset.

Beach update #2!

This is an exciting one..

Went kayaking through the marsh/inlet (Captain Sam's Inlet) with the father-in-law for a couple hours yesterday morning. Saw many big, blue crabs, a few great egrets, and some dolphins nearby.

Here's the exciting part!
I'm the kind of guy who brings a bucket, dip net, and bubbler just in-case I see something. Man did it pay off.

I was floating along and saw a little floating blob, looked again and saw that it wasn't a blob, but a juvenile Northern Atlantic Puffer! The size of my pinky nail! I repositioned the kayak and sucked it into a big
Styrofoam cup I had with me and poured it into the bucket.

Then, if that wasn't cool enough, I was floating along and saw something kind of swimming under a drifting stick. Looked real hard and it was a Filefish! Managed to spot and net 3 tiny 1" juvenile Matted Filefish! This made my day!

I also found a bunch of my favorite Thin Stripe hermit's! (Clibanarius vittatus)

They can get rather big..

Last night's storm from the Bohicket marina.

Thought my wife needed this purse from TJ Maxx. Lol

She said no...
Oh man thats awesome where are you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Seabrook Island, South Carolina.

The crabs, snails, nems, and pistol shrimp were founds by sifting through seaweed/crap that washes up and is still damp.

Silver bait fish came from shallow surf using a dip net.

Hermit's came from shallow inlet banks.
Shrimp came from floating dock algae tuff's in the inlet.
Puffer and Filefish came from inlet.

Find another calliactis tricolor this evening washed up attached to a sponge at the tide line. These are the nems that hermit's carry around on their shells.

The little pistol shrimp makes cute little snaps. Lol
I'll post pics of my setup tomorrow.

I use a 2 gal blue Lowe's bucket with a broken white lid half filled with water and a baby bubbles AA powered bubbler.
The bubbler hangs on the rim and airline tubing goes in through the cracked lid.

I actually knocked the bubbler into the ocean for a few sec yesterday and it still works!

My other setup is using the same bucket and lid, except I have an inverter that plugs into the cig lighter and has two sockets: one for my Elite mini filter and one for the heater.

(A 5 gal bucket can be swapped out depending on the trip/anticipated critters)

The 5 gal with bubbler only - lasted a two day trip back from the Florida keys to NC successfully keeping everything alive. (fish, inverts, coral)

For best results, you need a 5 gal bucket and a 2 gal bucket.
Use the 5 gal as a main holding tank in the house/hotel and use the 2 gal as a collection tank to transport back to the 5 gal. That way you always have an empty bucket to use for collecting.
Then stick all contents in the half filled 2 gal, attach bubbler, then broken lid. Place the 2 gal bucket inside the 5 gal and a watertight lid on top.
The bubbler will recirculate the air in the 5 gal and not create a vacuum and the extra space can be used to store equipment like nets, heater, etc. as well as help insulate the 2 gal bucket.
Then you have a all on one collection setup in a 5 gal bucket.

Note: this is only good if you drive.. can't take this stuff on a plane. The other alternative is to over-night mail it to yourself the day you leave, if you are flying. (Never tried this as I'm too cheap) lol
Beach update #3

Here's a pic of my little beach collection setup.

Baby Bubbles - only $4.96 at Walmart and comes with airline tubing and an air stone.

Caught 2 more Puffers, one pinky nail sized and one thumbnail size.

Caught 6 more Filefish! 2 with my hands, the rest with a dip net.

Everything today came from the surf about knee deep. The Puffers look like little blobs and the Filefish were all found under floating sticks.


Where are you going to put all those critters and fish?


just kidding lol

I didn't really prepare for bringing anything back form the beach, mainly because the wife said no new critters.. lol Had I known I would find all this cool stuff, I would've brought my inverter for the filter and heater in the bucket (as opposed to just the air stone for the car ride back), salt mix, hydrometer, 5 gal bucket, 2.5 gal glass tank, led light, and hob filter.

Had I been prepared.. I would've brought everything back even though I don't need 8 file fish, 3 puffers, another pistol shrimp, or 10 bait fish. lol
I'm aware the file fish, puffers, and pistol shrimp aren't compatible with what I've got going on, but I would be willing to risk it just because they're cool and I could always find them a new home.

That said, I brought back the 3 nems, 3 pansys, little shrimp, pistol shrimp, crabs, snails, and hermits. Unfortunately, only 4 hermits, one crab, two little clams, and a snail made the trip.
There was no room for the bucket since my in-laws brought their two dogs, so the bucket went in the back of the truck. It wasn't overly sunny and the bucket was partially shaded so I thought it was probably good enough.
What I didn't think of was that even though the bucket was out of the sun, the air pump was pumping hot air through the bucket which warmed the water a good bit. This combined with the extra 3 hours sitting in traffic (took 6 hours instead of 3 to get back) is what made things go bad. The nems all melted which nuked the bucket and I had no way to change the water for the next 4 days we were in NC. The crabs that lived were barely alive and just barely holding on. Now they are adjusting to the new environment and doing well.

SO, lessons learned.
1. Always be prepared, even if the wife says no. lol
2. Keep bucket inside vehicle for trip back.
3. Think everything through before you do it. (hot air pump oversight)
4. Have extra salt for water change if needed.

We got back to VA yesterday afternoon for the wife to go to work and I checked out the tank.

Went out of town for almost 2 weeks and came back to algae covered glass, some dead caulerpa behind the wall (landlord didn't realize there was a fill-to toothpick so the water level was a bit low) and a missing gbta. The bubble tip wasn't doing so great so I moved it next to the rbta to get more light a week before I left. It was looking better the day before leaving, but vanished while I was away..

Luckily, the landlord decided to leave the ac on in my house while we were gone or everything probably would've cooked!

For fun, today it is a sunny 87 degrees in Lynchburg.
My Kitchen - 84 degrees
My Bathroom - 84 degrees
My Bedroom - 81 degrees (a.k.a. My Fishroom)

This is with the bedroom window ac running on high and an exhaust window fan in the kitchen. I live in a 500sqft easy bake oven...

Did some cleaning and fragged a few things.


Little tiny clam

Fun fact - this is in no way a fact, but something I think I observed. lol

While looking for filefish in the surf, I spotted one under a floating stick and saw what I think was the file fish bite the bottom of the stick right before a small wave churned the water where it and the stick were. It appeared to bite the stick so they wouldn't get separated. I thought this was pretty cool!
Sounds like you had an adventure! I would love to collect my own.

It's a shame you lost those critters though. Have you considered collect and release? Your tank seems pretty maxed to me. You could pick up a used 55 and start a collection tank, and hide it at your landlord's!
Collect and release - good concept, hard to actually do. You need the self restraint to toss stuff back. Lol

Your tank would look great with a big school of the little silver bait fish! They swim together and are really shimmery. The downside is they don't travel well. I've tried in previous trips to bring some back, but the stress is too much so I tossed them back, or a crab eats one. Same goes for the white hermit crabs except they can handle the ride, they just don't last longer than a month or two in the tank so they also get thrown back.

My pistol shrimp and goby I have had for the past 2 years were collected in Florida and made it back to VA just fine. Prior planning and having everything you need is essential.

As far as maxing the tank out, I was thinking about getting a regal blue tang because I saw Finding Dory.

I actually had a 55. Friend of mine found one on the curb at his apartment complex last year. Sold it for $80. Lol

Neither my wife, nor the landlord, will let me get another, or bigger, aquarium. Although, I bet the landlord wouldn't mind jacking up rent if I got a bigger one...

Should I leave them both???
Finished product!!

I love it! Soo much more convenient than the glass top.

*screen is taught width wise and has some slack between the hinges for articulation - works great!

Best part, the supplies only cost me $25! When I make one for the next tank, it will only be $10!

Itemized list:

1x 7' screen door frame @ $4
1x 4ct frame connectors @ $2
1x 0.160 x 25' rubber spline @ $4
1x spline roller tool @ $4
1x 4ct mini hinges @ $2
4ft² (4'x2') clear ¼" netting @ 75¢ ft² - $9 shipped

How did you complete the bend for the bow? I am about to make one for my 36g. Did you cut tiny straight pieces and spot weld together or just cut out a wedge bend and weld?

Thanks in advance.
How did you complete the bend for the bow? I am about to make one for my 36g. Did you cut tiny straight pieces and spot weld together or just cut out a wedge bend and weld?

Thanks in advance.
Grimreaperz, All I did was use a little hack saw and cut some narrow triangles in each place I wanted a bend, then bent the frame. The front bow is all one piece of trim with little notches cut out of one side and bent to shape.
If you do this to many times in one place it will crack at the joint.
Generally, I found that cutting twice was the most I could get away with before it would crack (that's if you unbend the piece of trim twice). I originally didn't cut the triangles big enough and had to do them all twice.

A dremel would work well also. Just cut from the inside of the frame all the way to to outside wall, but not all the way through.

I used hot glue after bending them in place to keep it all sealed, then spray painted the whole frame black.

Let me know if that clarifies or you would like more info! :)