Foam Rockwall w/ built in refuge for a 26 gal bowfront

Ah, will do. Ill post here a pic when I get it. And where I got it, as it seems to be an elusive sucker.

Thanks for the help!
Quick update... The Evolution Aqua PURE marine bacteria balls are still in their original gelatinous form. Like the bobas in boba tea. lol
I assumed they would dissolve, maybe not. Put 2 in the filter, one in display, and one in fuge. All still look the same as when I tossed em in...

Anyone know if they need to be removed or have a service life in the tank?
Update on the bacteria balls: Now half the size as when they got dropped in the tank last night. I assumed they dissolved instantly... apparently not.

The only ammonia I could find has surfactant in it..

Looks like in it goes for Mr. Chromi
He should be fine. Only one fish. Much more fun to watch than ammonia! My first marine tank was 60 gallons, and I put 10 fish in to cycle. Not smart! 2 survived. Thank goodness, I've learned a lot since then!
Mr. Chromi is in!
He's not happy with me at the moment.

Canister filter in on. Let the cycling begin!

I'm more than happy to answer any questions, if there are any, regarding the wall or better yet, pointers on what I should plan on doing regarding the 'fuge' or cleanup crew / different critters / amount or Specific fish / inverts you like.
So, I put Mr. Chromi in - that little sh*t swam through the overflow and into the fuge.... PITA getting it out. He seems happy and liking the new home for now.

I discovered my lettered olive snail in the fuge... Must've scooped it up when putting live sand from current tank into the fuge. I placed him in the display for now.. he stays buried all day cleaning the sand.

Also put my thin stripe hermit in. He likes to climb the rockwall!

The horse conch and whelk are still in as well.

Added dry coral rubble to the fuge as well.

Skimmer is out bc it was leaking micro bubbles everywhere so I siliconed the seams and will put it back it tomorrow night.

I'm hoping that the critters will start the cycle just a tiny bit as my miscalculations and simplicity have gotten the best of me...

The fish, lettered olive snail, and hermit will be removed tomorrow evening and placed back into the current tank with corals. My fw and sw pico tanks are going back to NC while I'm away for next week. Then for a month in December I'll be away and I have no one to care for the tank.

I'll probably have to put a small piece of raw shrimp in the get the cycle going while I'm away. Can the shrimp just stay in and rot the whole time???
Nothing is ever that simple..
Great read, thanks!
Too bad I like my hermits lol
Guess they'll be the exception to his rule... they are going to utilize that big climbing gym I made them!

"It would be great if you could do some of the waiting (cycling) while you are away.
That was the original plan so I can play with it sooner and not have to look at it wanting to throw critters in left and right!

Looks like shrimp will go in tomorrow evening. Before the noodles and garlic. ;)
Yeah, I'm a no hermit guy these days. They are fun to watch climbing around on stuff.

It's going to be harder for you not to add stuff too soon, since you already have them in your other tank, ready to go! Being gone for a month should work out perfectly!
Put in a piece of shrimp and well see the outcome in a week and a half!

The wall and a spot of sand are starting to get the diatom bloom so all is looking well.

Snappy is letting me know he doesn't like my driving from his bucket in the back. lol
Well. Came back to a tank that looked better than I left it...

Here is a pic of the shrimp that refused to start the cycle. It grew some sort of casing around it. I broke it apart last night and hopefully it will start decomposing some more. It was a raw, uncooked, gray shrimp from the fresh seafood part of Kroger for all those that are wondering or thinking I put a cocktail shrimp in there. :fun5:

After breaking it apart. Casing on left, Shrimp on right. The little white ball is a bacteria ball.

The lights were causing the diatom bloom and with them off the past week, the algae went away.

Any advice is welcome!
Weird! I've never heard of that. So you think the tank hasn't cycled? If so, I guess you still need to make it happen, one way or another. You may want to test your water now to get a feel for where you are in the cycle. Judging from past conversations, you may want to put your chromis in there, so you don't get too impatient. Get the lights going on timers and feed the fish. And then be ready to change some water out when ammonia and/or nitrite levels peak. Also, get rid of the shrimp if you put the chromis in.

I wonder what effect the bio-ball thingies have had. The bacterial casing thing is strange! It almost suggests a lack of water movement. Did you keep the filter running while gone? If not, that may be the cause. Basically, you want to run the tank like normal to cycle it, but with a low biological load, so the bacteria can multiply, without being overwhelmed. With your tank size, one chromis should be about right.

You may want to read a few articles regarding cycling, to get some insight into what's going on in your tank. One way or another, your tank will cycle. It's just good to know what's going on, so you don't make any rash decisions/mistakes.
It would be too simple if it was already cycled - nothing is ever that easy. Lol

I tested the water Sunday night and it tested the same as when I left a week ago. Will test again later today and see after breaking up the shrimp. I'll test the nitrate as well this time.

As for Mr. Chromi - I may need to by a Mrs. Chromi.. Unless he doesn't swim that way ;) because he is being watched by the family back in North Carolina so I don't have to move everything back from VA, to the beach in SC, back to NC, and back to VA, then to the bowfront all in a months time.
- my fish are the traveling kind as they would go home with me for each break. (College)
I have my own place now..

I bought another light, same thing just a longer version for the tank. The smaller one is with Mr. Chromi and the corals in NC. The new one should arrive today.

The bacteria balls do their thing, what their thing is, I don't know. But they were free. [emoji14]

I have the big hob filter and skimmer on a timer for 12 hours during the day and off at night. The little canister filter is on 24/7 with the heater. There is enough flow to make the shrimp wave but not enough to blow it around the bottom.

I bought a used mp10 and will have it in there closer to January.

I want to get this thing cycled already, or at least started! :)
I forgot about your traveling chromis. Another option is a 'saltwaterized' molly, which is what I used. They eat algae. I never had to feed them, keeping nutrient levels low.

It sounds like you've got a good setup and plan. I look forward to hearing more of your 'cycling adventures'!
Been busy, tonight I checked the ammonia level: 0ppm --- lowest its been so far...
Nitrate: 3ish ppm

Put the fuge light over the tank for the time being --- 18" fluorescent under-cabinet light.

I'm gonna go to the lfs or Petco to see if they have a Chromis I want tomorrow or the next day to start the cycle if the light doesn't start some diatom bloom.

The turkey I bought the new light from didn't ship it till Saturday and didn't use priority like he said he would, so.. I get to wait another week for it to arrive. ugh..

More like the 'cycle-less adventure' lol
Okay... Now I'm really confused.

Here's a picture of a spirorbid worm I spotted on the tank glass. There are a number of them forming all over the front. This is the biggest one at half a mm. It took a year for them suckers to appear in my first tank. Why would they form now???

I feel like it is safe to start adding my stock, but there is no form of beneficial bacteria for the tank as of now. Not that I can add any of my livestock until January anyways.

So the waiting continues...
Well, there is something in your tank they can eat, so it's probably a good sign. You've still got the dead shrimp in there, right?

Hang in there!
Shrimp is still in, scattered throughout the tank when I broke it up. Just crushed a shrimp pellet in there last night too.

It's probably a good thing the pets aren't here or I'd really be tempted!

Gonna buy me some cheap window tint from Walmart to cover the ugly eggcrate this weekend.

Still need to relocate the canister filter as it is just hanging on the front for now. It will be moved to the back with the return in the upper right corner.

Will post some more pics when done with the tint.