Okay, been a while since my last post.. Have a few good updates since then.
First off, I found a nice SA Blacker Ice Clown at the LFS I couldn't pass up!
The wife gave me the "you brought home another pet store bag" look and immediately accused me of buying another snail or crab.. When she saw the fish, the excitement went through the roof, that is until she asked how much it cost. haha Then the "you brought home another pet store bag" look came back. lol She named it Missy, so I'm kinda off the hook about a $45 fish..
Next, I just received a 10-12 polyp frag plug of Rastas! Got them shipped priority and they arrived yesterday. Hopefully they all open up when I get home Monday night.
Next on the list is I got some small things of pulsating xenia from a local reefer for free. They gave me an infested rock and i scraped them all off, glued to rubble and a dead sea whip rubble. Trying to get it to grow into a sea fan/tree over the old skeleton. You can see them in the new fish pic. It is where the torch used to be :/
Lost my torch of a year for no apparent reason, everything else is fine..
Zoa's and digi's are still growing real good. One head of my cualastrea frag is splitting!
Last thing is my little anemone thing decided it didn't like the rock I put it on.. lol
The happiest i've seen the little guy, cruising around with his homie.
Ohh, My Wall Is Disintegrating!!
More so towards the top, the big conch shell has some big gaping holes in the top and the single barnacle is getting bigger holes as well. Will post pics of it later on.
When I get around to it,,, I'm going to post a thread in the SIG Forums - SCUBA /Snorkeling subform under my original Curacao thread with all my pictures from the honeymoon.
Will post a link on here to it and add some of the best pics here as well.