Foam Rockwall w/ built in refuge for a 26 gal bowfront

My newest creation: frozen food cubes. Lol

I have three different frozen foods I don't feed because I'm lazy and don't feel like cutting up chunks of the cubes as they're all to large for my fish and wouldn't get eaten. I can't feed them all this way at once, so.. I bought a mini ice tray off eBay and thawed the three frozen foods with some ro water, mixed together, and basted them into the molds. Now I have properly portioned cubes I can thaw and feed! It's a mix of mysis, cyclops, and rots. Something for everyone.

Well, narrowly missed a complete disaster last night... All because I decided to move the output of my canister filter to the 'fuge.

I was almost done and pulling a hose up over the rim when it broke free. Saltwater started pouring out of the tube and down the wall and onto all the electrical behind the tank. The intake was still in the water so it was a continuous flow. I quickly tried to cap off the tube with my finger and had to readjust several times as it kept slipping. I also shut of the power strip that was getting wet and sizzling.

Note: I'm standing on a folding chair the entire time. The glass top is being supported by the two doors in the pic, just resting on top of the two towels while I did maintenance.

Next thing I know, as I'm trying to pull the other tube to stop the flow and catch some of the water with a cup, I see my light start falling and it ended up hitting the rim of the tank and catching itself with my one piece hangar. I must have knocked it reaching behind the tank. I had to re-glue (jb weld) the left support. Thank God it didn't take a dunk or hit the floor six feet down.

In addition to the light, my reaction caused my knee to kick the left door shut... The glass top was partially on the narrow front edge of the stand and the right door. It easily could've crashed into the floor four feet below.

So, I yelled for my wife to help me and I got the glass top re-supported, and the light held until the water drained out the lines and I could remove the light completely.
Then, after all that I try to reposition the other tube for the filter and it pops of and leaks out. Then the seal starts leaking after screwing with it and the whole damn thing has to be taken out..
I taped the tubes, cleaned the filter, reinstalled everything, cleaned it all up, dried, and reorganized it all. I determined the canister filter was too much of a pita to clean so I leave it empty, just for flow, and it wasn't doing much in the display. I moved it to circulate the 'fuge area. I realized there was a sponge filter in there, and took the nasty thing out. Thought it wass empty. It is now though!

Just need to sync the timer back up, which is hard to reach. Lol

On a lighter note, my food cubes look like candy corn. Lol Forgot to mention that they have zoo plankton in them also.

Whew! Been there! Good job, keeping a cool head in the midst of calamity. It's such a helpless feeling, like "why don't I have six hands right now?!"

I've often found these experiences to be valuable teaching moments. What have you learned/changed as a result of this experience?

By the way, your cabinet looks supremely organized! You should post a pic of that!
Whew! Been there! Good job, keeping a cool head in the midst of calamity. It's such a helpless feeling, like "why don't I have six hands right now?!"

I was rather stressed out to say the least!

Did I learn anything? Probably not. Lol
I felt like bashing the **** out of the canister filter though..

No, wait.. I did! I put a piece of plexiglass over the electrical stuff - just need to make it more functional.

Pre-plexiglass idea. Check out how clean and organized my wires are. Lol

Pics of my fish cabinet. :)
I'm rather anal about it if you couldn't tell.

Level 1: Additives, test kits, super glue, small salt container

Level 2: Frequently used items, 2.5g tank

Level 3: Random supplies and parts, additive overflow, Nike box - electrical parts and supplies

Level 4: Boxes, bulky items, [rocks, 10' gill net (for snorkeling collection)] in bags

Let me know if I'm missing anything. Lol
Man that's nice! The word "organized" just doesn't do you justice. Thanks for posting those.

Whenever the world gets you down or stressed out, just open your cabinet, and all will be good again…
Whenever the world gets you down or stressed out, just open your cabinet, and all will be good again"¦

Haha, I'll keep that in mind..

Went back to petco with another $5 off coupon I got and left paying only $1.04 for a veggie clip, hermit crab and mini hydrometer that was on sale. Its always nice getting something for free!

Picked up a new hermit and conch from the LFS today and just added them to the display. Will post pics when they aren't so shy.

I'm a sucker for what I call 'novelty hermits'. The kind that looks cool or different - not necessarily functional
I think the petco hermit is a blue leg variant and the one from the lfs is some form of left handed variant.

Now for some fun pics of my mythrax cleaning off some rocks and a hermit/clown pic

Here's a little tank update.

This past week Must be hitchhiker week for my tank.

I found a small feather duster on the bottom of the birdsnest frag plug.

I also found a tiny black and white whelk/nassarius snail cruising the barnacles.

Lastly, I found a strange white sponge? It is between my little zoa cluster and the foam wall. It is milky white and looks like a mini shag carpet. Its in a place I can't get a pic of it for a good id.
I panicked at first thinking Aiptasia had come in to infest my tank, I currently have 0 pest anemones. So, I poked it to see if the anemone like tentacles retracted, and they didn't. It kind of appears there is a milky white mat forming below the frag, but I am not sure. Time will tell!

On to newer things!

I went to the beach with some family for a long weekend in Charleston, SC.
I had to 'fish' for some new inhabitants. lol I ended up coming back with a handful of different things. No snails this time, though there were thousands of black whelks for the taking. I still have 2 from before and they are useless. They are what I call the 'grim reaper' snails as they generally only come out after something has died. They have been out more frequently recently, however.

All were netted off of an inlet estuary.

I found 3 thin stripe hermits - I had one that died a few weeks back for no reason and really liked it. Great algae control and peaceful.

I caught a butt-load of ghost shrimp? I think I dumped about 15 in the tank. (1" long) I estimate about half to still be alive - have eluded being eaten. I caught one shrimp that was eating size! 4in or so. Didn't keep it.

One tiny brown crab, 1/2". Not sure if its land or water based. I've only seen it once (two days ago) since adding it a little less than 2 weeks ago. I have the length of the foam wall that rises above the waterline for it.

I also brought back some blue crabs. Not sure what Ill do with them when they get big, but I've always liked them. Three juvenile male blue swimmer crabs.

The prize of my trip is a healthy yellow sea-whip I found on my way back washed up on the beach. I found a handful of others, but this one was the best looking.
I ended up cutting it in half where there was a dead spot, hence the two separate whips. They have some nice translucent polyps. Hopefully they stay healthy!

The tank is doing good, fragged some more GSP, Something knocked off a little 1" green digi limb so glued that to a plug as well.

Something also knocked off a frag of pulsating xenia which I only recovered the rubble base from Snappy's lair. I found two little polyps in the sand bed in different places today and glued them down.

Now for the wall...

I have figured out part of my problem. First off, I have never been able to understand how soo many tiny little foam pieces end up in the sand bed.

There are 2 culprits!

Snappy, and the Turbo's.
A few days ago, I was looking through the gap between the rim and lid, vent for the fans, and heard a munching noise. I then notice a turbo halfway out of the water munching away at my wall! Culprit number 1.

Culprit number 2. I finally figured out how snappy has been commuting to and fro the 'fuge whenever he pleases. I tore apart his lair last night in search for the GSP that came unglued from a plug. There is a giant hole he has torn away at the bottom center of the wall about 2" wide and 1" tall. He then deposits all the foam shavings to the sand bed.

Time for pics!



Blue swimmer crab 2.5"

Sea-whip and 1" blue crab

Zoas and 1"crab

Shrimp pic

Shrimp and xenia polyp

Dwarf zebra hermit variant. I think possible a Hawaiian one, but not sure..

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Snail hitchhiker.

New Frags


Fun Pics

Spot the conchs eye ball. lol

I was stretching my back on the floor and looked up. Had never looked at the tank from this angle before and kinda like it.
Great thread and nice build. I love my rock walls! BTW for anyone interested, I use Pond Shield, tan color for the epoxy.
Cool pics! I love the sea whips. I think that species is one of the hardier ones too. I think those crabs are a disaster waiting to happen! Keep an eye out for trouble.
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind for the next foam wall build. Does it cure tan as well or turn clear?

Feel free to post some pics of your wall in here, I'd love to see them. It's amazing the amount of variation between different foam walls.

At one point I had a purple sea whip too. Back when my 2.5g wasn't so stable..

And yeah yeah Michael, I knew before that these crabs are going to be a problem down the road. The big one makes me nervous. Lol
Maybe I'll keep them till they are big in a grow out tank and make me some crab cakes or some he crab soup. Lol
hey there I really enjoy looking at your tank pictures. Things like this really motivate me to do stuff like this and your tank and it looks really cool. I in the middle of building a 29 gallon with about a 20 gallon sump myself which will be my first big saltwater tank and want to do a foam wall in it. I was curious if you had any advice you give for a newbie looking at doing one. I will have my refuge in my sump so hopefully won't have issues like your having which I sorry to hear about. :(

Glad you like my wall!

Number one tip:
Take in account for any sort of plastic rim at the top of the tank. I had to partially break my wall in half in order for it to fit.
When you dry fit the wall, make sure it's a snug fit, I didn't need to use any sort of silicone to hold mine in place because it fits so tightly. I only used some silicone around all the edges to keep critters from exploring the small gaps between the wall and glass

Other helpful advice:
Experiment with the foam prior to using on the final product. This stuff gets messy and won't come off most things.
Press out the foam once it has dried a few minutes to get rid of some excess air pockets.
Be generous with the amount of rock to make it more natural looking.

Lastly, take pictures to show the rest of us! :)
Sam, also, one of the best things you did with your wall was to do dollops, rather than long continuous lines of foam. It looks so much more natural that way.

Glad you like my wall!

Number one tip:
Take in account for any sort of plastic rim at the top of the tank. I had to partially break my wall in half in order for it to fit.
When you dry fit the wall, make sure it's a snug fit, I didn't need to use any sort of silicone to hold mine in place because it fits so tightly. I only used some silicone around all the edges to keep critters from exploring the small gaps between the wall and glass

Other helpful advice:
Experiment with the foam prior to using on the final product. This stuff gets messy and won't come off most things.
Press out the foam once it has dried a few minutes to get rid of some excess air pockets.
Be generous with the amount of rock to make it more natural looking.

Lastly, take pictures to show the rest of us! :)

Hehe ok.. I been thinking about starting build thread now your going to make me do it.. I still having problems keeping my camera steady for some reason. I need to work on that. lol

I guess too much nerves. Right now I got water in the tank and working on 3D printing some plumbing parts that I want colored black otherwise I would buy them hehe. But I am a bit nervous I not a big "artzy" type person and I don't know how this turn out. So many folks do a great job here make things look great. :)
Sam, also, one of the best things you did with your wall was to do dollops, rather than long continuous lines of foam. It looks so much more natural that way.

Good point, I actually did it this way so that I had a smaller area of foam to work with at a time. This allowed me to press out air and add sand as each section dried. Gave me much more control this way.

Hehe ok.. I been thinking about starting build thread now your going to make me do it.. I still having problems keeping my camera steady for some reason. I need to work on that. lol

I guess too much nerves. Right now I got water in the tank and working on 3D printing some plumbing parts that I want colored black otherwise I would buy them hehe. But I am a bit nervous I not a big "artzy" type person and I don't know how this turn out. So many folks do a great job here make things look great. :)

The walls aren't terribly difficult as long as you take your time and do it right the first time.

Definitely do a build thread! It is daunting because of the fear of failure, but well worth it when you can go back and see everything from the beginning because you had documented the entire tanks life!
Happy Halloween everyone!

Stupid hermit crab - I'm blaming it for breaking of a limb off my green digi. It always crawls down into the coral.

Fragged the limb into 3 pieces.

Down to the one big blue crab.. The others went missing on the same day. I found the top of each crabs shell on the substrate a few days ago a few hours apart with no sign of either for a few days prior...

Everything else is doing good though.

Some jerk keeps rearranging my frag plugs. At least twice a day one gets lifted up and relocated!