Folks.... How has your significant other behaved with your obsession?

My wife loves the hobby, she says it keeps me home....which is a good The only thing she doesnt like is the frequency of which i spend my "allowance" and then some on coral......geez I hate saying it like that.....LMAO
I am the wife, and I'm the reef geek! Randy was into the hobby for over 10 years before I even stuck my hands in a saltwater tank. I had fresh tanks for years, but salt always intimidated me. Then, as the story goes, we had the 29g crash and Randy neglected to maintain the tank for quite a while. I was tired of walking by a dying tank (all of the "critters" had died in the crash), so I started pulling goodies out of the drawer, reading containers, doing water changes, etc. I managed to salvage a couple of rocks from that tank after all was said and done and put into a 6g eclipse, then came the FMAS show and a 10g, then my 15g, and now, the 20g.

Randy is getting the "itch" again though. We're thinking of setting up our old 29 in the dining room. I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands out of it though!
I'm still working on dragging my g/f into the hobby. She wants to be with me for the long run, so she always appeases her dreams of a house with a wrap-around porch with my dreams of a 210g :)

Otherwise my family are the ones who support me in this hobby mostly, because since I'm at school during the weeks, they're the ones who top off, feed, and generally watch the tank, which I love, and I think they enjoy a bit as well, especially since now we've got a real sump that can hold more than 3g of water, so they don't have to always top off once a day. My next step is to get an automatic feeder, so they don't have to worry about feeding as much (also good just to get the fish on a schedule). My dad even started learning how to frag so that he could frag stuff while I'm away, and he chips in when I buy new bulbs and phosban and those sorts of disposables, but I also give him 75% of the profit when I sell frags...