I am the wife, and I'm the reef geek! Randy was into the hobby for over 10 years before I even stuck my hands in a saltwater tank. I had fresh tanks for years, but salt always intimidated me. Then, as the story goes, we had the 29g crash and Randy neglected to maintain the tank for quite a while. I was tired of walking by a dying tank (all of the "critters" had died in the crash), so I started pulling goodies out of the drawer, reading containers, doing water changes, etc. I managed to salvage a couple of rocks from that tank after all was said and done and put into a 6g eclipse, then came the FMAS show and a 10g, then my 15g, and now, the 20g.
Randy is getting the "itch" again though. We're thinking of setting up our old 29 in the dining room. I don't know if I'll be able to keep my hands out of it though!