Food Additive: Selcon vs Vita-Chem


New member
I am looking to get some type of additive for my food and have heard about selcon and vita-chem. Is one better than the other? Is there anything else out there that is a better value?

I have a 30 gallon with live rock and shrooms.
Fish food or coral. Its best to mix the diet up. I use color inhancing flake and pellet in the morning switching off but use flake much more. But just a little , like waht they can eat in 1 or 2 min. Then at night frozen brine , marine cusien . This would be better then any additive.
i never used any additive so cant help there.
I don't know what's in vita-chem, but Selcon is what many people here seem to use. I bought some recently because I've never heard anything other than good things about it, but it's been a very short time so I can't really say whether it's doing my fish much good or not -- I'm working on improving the condition of a (previously very sick) tang I adopted a while back; she's still got a touch of HLLE despite a varied diet, and I'm hoping the Selcon will give her the extra nutrition she needs to fully heal.

Selcon is mainly composed of HUFAs (highly unsaturated fatty acids); it's not really a typical vitamin supplement from what I understand. It does contain vitamins C and B12, but I think other vitamin supplements provide a wider array of vitamins. HUFAs are very important, and it certainly can't hurt to feed Selcon-enriched foods, but maybe someone can chime in here and let us know if it's a good idea to add another vitamin supplement as well?

I also agree with demonsp - there's no substitute for a varied diet. Just like us, fish do best when they get their vitamins from their food, rather than out of a bottle.
There is some crossover but you can consider Selcon as a protein shake and Vita-Chem as vitamin supplement tablets. Both good but different. However, Selcon really messes up your skimmer for about 30 minutes after it enters the water column.
As stated above - vary your fishes diet.
Re: Food Additive: Selcon vs Vita-Chem

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11132671#post11132671 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by skiguy411
I am looking to get some type of additive for my food and have heard about selcon and vita-chem. Is one better than the other? Is there anything else out there that is a better value?

I have a 30 gallon with live rock and shrooms.

Use Both Mixed together and Add Liquid Garlic! And make Sure your fish get a little bit of everything in there diet. if they are Plant eaters it would hurt to buy a variety of Macro algaes that fish are know to eat and keep them in your fuge and throw trimmings in main tank every couple days
I don't know how much evidence there is that human vitamins are useful to marine animals, so I tend to be skeptical about vitamin supplements. What's in the Vita-Chem?

Selcon is a good enrichment for foods if some fish needs a boost, or as an additive for preparing a food. The same holds for predatory corals.
Re: Re: Food Additive: Selcon vs Vita-Chem

Re: Re: Food Additive: Selcon vs Vita-Chem

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11133107#post11133107 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Vinnie71975
Use Both Mixed together and Add Liquid Garlic! And make Sure your fish get a little bit of everything in there diet. if they are Plant eaters it would hurt to buy a variety of Macro algaes that fish are know to eat and keep them in your fuge and throw trimmings in main tank every couple days
Selcon has garlic.
Re: Re: Re: Food Additive: Selcon vs Vita-Chem

Re: Re: Re: Food Additive: Selcon vs Vita-Chem

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11133505#post11133505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by uscharalph
Selcon has garlic.

Does it ? I wasn't aware that there was any garlic in Selcon. The igredient list is...... unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, marine lipids, stabilized Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin
Here is the link for vita-chem

Link for selcon

As far as diet, I feed Formula One daily and mysis shrimp in garlic biweekly. I'm looking to pick something else up, but there are a ton of different options.

I was think about getting Hikari marine-s (link), Cyclop-Eeze (link), and a bottle of either selcon or vita-chem.

My tank has:
2 clowns
1 velvet damsel
2 chromis
1 cleaner shrimp
11 inverts (ceriths, astrea, margarita snails)

Also, I am using a Tunze nano skimmer.
The amino acids in the Vita-Chem might be useful, although I'd just stick with Selcon. I feed the frozen Cyclop-Eeze. It seems to have a very good nutritional profile, and my fish like it. The Hikari seems okay, although I stick with frozen foods.

You'll need to be careful with the Selcon. I use it as a minor ingredient when I make fish food. A drop a day in the Hikari, for example, might be fine for your tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11136662#post11136662 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by skiguy411
Here is the link for vita-chem

Link for selcon

As far as diet, I feed Formula One daily and mysis shrimp in garlic biweekly. I'm looking to pick something else up, but there are a ton of different options.

I was think about getting Hikari marine-s (link), Cyclop-Eeze (link), and a bottle of either selcon or vita-chem.

My tank has:
2 clowns
1 velvet damsel
2 chromis
1 cleaner shrimp
11 inverts (ceriths, astrea, margarita snails)

Also, I am using a Tunze nano skimmer.

Currently your fish are all omnivores (in fact they are all damsels), so you can feed anything. I have similar stock in my 90g currently. A variety is good as mentioned above.

Besides Formula one, Formula Two is another good one. If you get the pellet of Formula One or Two, then it has garlic. Prime Reef is good too. I also like Spectrum by New Life. Of course Cycop-Eeze is great too.

I use Selcon when I feed frozen mysis shrimp (another good food). I have yet to try it with non-frozen food.

I have all of the above except I don't have any prime reef or cycop-eeze yet (I plan to eventually). I don't really know about marine-s, but I am sure it is fine. Hikari is a good name brand.