Food grade storage containers


Active member
I make my own Cal and Alk supplements, and would like to make them in larger quantities than just a gallon at a time, which only lasts me about a month, and I'm back at it making them again. 5-6g at a time would be nice. I've already sourced out the supplements, now just need containers, that might fit under my stand.

I could do 5g buckets, but they are obviously not going to look nice sitting next to the tank in the living room.

I know some container places have been mentioned here on the FMAS forums before, but for the life of me, can't remember names.

Any help would be great!

If anyone is looking for container like at water tank supply
Check out sailorman it's a boat place on st rd 84 near Lester's dinner
Lots of water tanks bulk heads ect