for sale/trade and suggestions?


New member
Ok. I've been really bad. Life gets in the way sometimes and things have been REALLY REALLY hectic for me. That's why i haven't been on these boards very much lately. unfortunately, the quality of my tank has suffered to. I've done what i can to keep everything alive and healthy, and things are growing, but i have some problems as well.

First off..

I have a pair of leaf fish (scorpionfish.) They are very healthy, very cool, and very annoying. I love them. They interact with each other in just massively cool ways. But i can only keep my clown with them because they eat everything else. I've had enough of them. I'm considering trading them in for credit, but, I'd rather sell them here first. I'd take $75 obo for both of them, or, cool zoos/mushrooms or certain sps. Offers? I don't really want to take on more coral until i get item 2 resolved though:

Item 2:
I have a bubble algae problem that has really gotten out of control. I tried cleaning a rock off, and within 2 days, it was completely covered again. I have three emerald crabs in my 46g now, and they aren't helping. I also have an aptasia problem, but I can get those with a needle. I'm really concerned with that bubble algae thing though. Can I chemically bomb it? Anything else to try besides emerald crabs? The algae is on rocks with coral on it too.

I feel ashamed for letting things get this bad, but, really, that's why I want to solve it now.

Oh yeah, and, I've got tons of chaeto, so, if you need some, give me a pm and I'll see what i can do. I'll give ya a sandwhich baggie of it.

Thanks everyone.
Sorry to hear that your tank has fall like that, I am interested in your scorpion fish, but I have a very busy schedule and can't see me going to buy goldfish every other day to feed anything, what are they eating currently, how big are they?
On the topic of the the "bubble algae" I am not sure what do you mean but it sounds like it could be cyano bacteria and you could easily get rid of that by massive water changes, increased water movement and perhaps a couple days with the lights off.
There is also a product called red slime remover by lifereef that I hear it works good but have not try it.
I will always try to resolve the problems in the tank by targeting the root cause instead of the easy way out, Your tank may just need some TLC in order to get back in shape.

Hi, there are very few algea problems you cant take care with with good phosphate remover, fresh RO/Di Unit, well lit refugium, brisk water movement, good working prootein skimmer and massive water changes. Hope this helps, JOHNNY
Hey everyone! Thanks for the response!!

ok. I forgot the most important detail about the leaves.. Roger is right. They need to be fed live food every other day. They love feeder guppies and glass shrimp. Occassionally i'll be desperate and give them goldfish, but, they have to be the smaller ones. I generally buy a bunch and dump them all in a small bucket. I'll usually have enough to cut down the trips to once every week/week and a half.

Kimbur, I'm not real sure what the cockatoo waspfish are, but... is a pick of one of them... They both look real similar. I don't know if this is the bigger or the smaller one..

Thanks for the suggestions for the algae as well. This isn't cyano. (I don't want to say I wish it was, but, at least that i know how to deal with.) It's just a species of bubble algae. I need to try changing my refugium light! I also need to pick up a stronger pump for my aquaC. The maxi-jet gets clogged too easily and the remora doesn't skim. maybe a mag?

Anyway, I will definitely try all that, and I'll do a massive waterchange as well.
Here's my old Cockatoo. He was seriously the coolest thing I've ever owned.


Good luck with the bubble algae I had a bit of it and my emerald cleaned it up within a couple of weeks, but there wasn't a whole lot of it to start with. That stuff is a downer. :(
Yeah, I'm totally bummed about all this. Your cockatoo looks really similar in body shape! Maybe they're the same? In any case, if you'd like them, you're first in line now Kimbur.

I'm all bummed now looking at old pictures of my tank. I need to really reclaim this thing. just that bubble algae is EVERYWHERE. Maybe I need more emerald crabs. Maybe if I stuff like 4,000 little crabs in here, ONE of them will eat it. (I'm just kidding by the way.) Anyway, I need to try some sort of phosphate remover too.
I use Rowaphos, but I found that it works better as means to keep it low but hardly as a eliminator when your readings are off the roof, again, for that water changes and id the source it's what works.
Can I make a suggestion? If it's one rock in particular, go buy a rock to replace it, and bake that rock in the sun. The algae is gone. I've also pressure washed rocks before, glad that kind of stuff is over. Switching to my own RO did that for me.
On the bubble algae I think your talking about valonia.Valonia looks like green pearls ,and if it is ,the worst thing to do is pop them in the water as they release spores. A Lo Foxface will eat them with vigor as I've seen them do many times.The school tank(360 Gal) had them and when we introduced the Foxface all where gone by the following week.
Thanks for all the suggestions... I actually don't have the leaf fish anymore. On the valonia, I have good news and bad news...

The good news is that i don't have much in the way of bubble algae. The bad news is that it's now been replaced by almost every other kind of algae. It's driving me nuts. My halides are only 7 months old, i have two seio's in there providing flow. I only have two fish that i feed a pinch of food to once a day. I have no idea. I do have a ton of detritus in the refugium that's collected. Maybe that's it? Is it possible my sand bed crashed? It's incredible. Oh yeah. I only use RO in my tank, and for the first year, I NEVER had any algae problems. Now suddenly, it's one thing after another.

Now i'm moving to palm beach. I pmed a few people on getting new set-ups, but unfortunately, they'll all end up running me close to a grand, which is what i have to pay in rent every month. At this point I might just have to sell this tank (and cyano and hair algae...for an extra fee, of course). I'm still looking at alternatives. If i haven't pmed you back, I'm really sorry! I've been going crazy moving and at the same time, trying to figure out what to do with my tank. You guys who did make offers, they are great deals, but I just can't afford anything so far. I'll keep looking though.

I know i haven't gone to meetings or done anything that makes a memorable impression on anyone, but I have met most of you at some point or another, and you all have been great. If I do end up having to leave the hobby (which looks more and more likely), thanks so much for all your advice and help over the last couple years. If I leave, it won't be for long. (and please don't take me forgetting to PM you back personally. I'm completely scatter-brained on my good days. Now that I'm incredibly stressed...well... yeah. )

(By the way..just to be clear... My current tank situation isn't a good one. That's why i'm looking for a new set-up. Not to mention that I'm not overly thrilled with the tank I have. (It's old.) I could keep this one, but I don't know how I'd move everything from south broward to north palm beach while keeping it alive. Not to mention that the tank would have to basically be cleaned out. Of course, that might help my algae problem...)
Have you check the membrane and other filters in you RO unit, do you have a DI unit as well, if not this could be a good idea. Don't know if you have a TDS meter but that could help you figure out when your pre-filters in your water filter need to be change
well, my parents have the house on the Ro unit..and i think it is actually RODI. We don't have a tds meter. They pay some company to come out monthly (or bimonthly or annually or I could be making it up) to change the filters. So, you're right. It could have the tds of a septic tank for all i know. I'll see if i can look into it.