For the new folk:


Staff member
RC Mod
1. Are corals harder than fish? Answer: depends on what you keep. In general, corals don't jump, get ich (they have their own parasites, but most can be solved with dip and a period of observation), or travel over and bite their neighbors--many stonies do, however, have a 6" reach, and softies just spit into the water to discourage other corals growing (use carbon, which removes it). One thing to remember: corals eat LIGHT, and it has to be the right light for corals when you set up.

2. Are fish harder than corals? Answer: depends. In general, if you buy smart, quarantine, and don't buy species that grow (inside a few months) too large for your tank (aggression is often a function of tank size, not disposition)---you'll probably succeed. Problem being that new folk often think everything stays the same size as they bought and that you can crowd fish together like the pictures in the ads. No, to both. Ask about adult size, always, and be sure to have high turnover and oxygenation, jump-screen jumpy species, and be SURE you aren't importing ich, and you should be fine. Do remember that the 'Nemo' tank was purposely designed to be absolutely awful, inappropriate species, too small, no oxygenation, a 'death' tank, in other words. Unfortunately very few who saw the movie 'got' that the misfortune of a lot of little fishes.

In general there is ONE THING that impacts both corals and fishes. Water quality. If you just cycle and throw fish or corals in with NO tests ---not good. Go to that sticky (permanent post) up there ^^^^^ and read about what you do after cycling, what tests you need to be sure you're ready for fish---generally alkalinity, calcium and magnesium: and own your own tests. My preferred ones are Salifert brand, minimal reliance on color, results are in numbers; and easy to do. If your water quality is up, and you've handled the question of disease and parasites, you are good to go, and neither is much harder than the other (given good lights.)

Please---know what a coral is when you buy it and ask what it needs. Ask whether it's softie or stony---and in general, don't mix them in the same tank until you have experience with corals. Carry pen and paper and write down the name, and pay close attention (if a coral) to where it was in the display tank and what light it was under. Ask. To acclimate a brighter light difference, start low in your tank and raise it a bit every few days. "Uhh, I bought this thing, I don't know what it is..." is not a happy situation. With fish, be sure to buy the fattest and healthiest looking with perfect fins and gills: don't pity-buy. Leave that to the experts. And ASK how it gets along with your other fish and whether it eats corals. 'Kay?

Hope that helps. We have LOTS of sticky-posts to help you, and if those can't, ask. Many experienced folk hang out in here specifically to help you.
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Not if you are new [emoji39]

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problem is though, no one reads them! If they did we wouldn't have to repeat the same answer to the same question that is already answered in the stickies.

Not complaining, just find having so many stickies makes it a bit confusing.
problem is though, no one reads them! If they did we wouldn't have to repeat the same answer to the same question that is already answered in the stickies.

Not complaining, just find having so many stickies makes it a bit confusing.

I know myself, and probably many people, do read the stickies and even do searches but, in my experience with forums in general, sometimes the information that comes up seems a few years old if not older. Many things change in short amounts of time due to new equipment, items, and knowledge learned. When we look at a sticky or thread that is a few years old we wonder if it is the most up to date information out there so sometimes we re-ask the same questions to reassure ourselves that we are using the best or newest information to help be successful (revive old thread or start a new one on same topic... Hmmm). I myself do cherish the stickies and search feature for the wisdom and time given of those who have gone before us but will probably still ask some repetitive questions from time to time. Plus where would the fun be if we didn't ask those repetitive questions so others can chime in and give their help? That is what makes a forum, discussion.... Thanks for the great site you guys have provided to help us out. I appreciate all of your help, even if we are a little annoying sometimes!
This forum is a great source of information, mostly good info but there is some bad and questionable info like all forums. In my opinion, nothing beats reading a book. There are plenty out there and you would be amazed at what you learn BEFORE buying something.
You can make all the "Sticky Posts" in the world, people are still going to seek personalized attention online.

That's just how it is.