Forum not up and running

Talked to Steve and they're trying to get it up and running on the new server. Hopefully it will be up in a couple of days.
if he needs some help or some assistance let me know. I do IT for a living and may be able to lend a helping hand.



Smellslikefish (Greg) here, I see is down. I called Mary and she said there working on it and that the Dec. meeting has been cancelled. Everyone stay in touch, They will either get the site up or create a new one. If not, I would gladly create a forum or help with one. I am moving the first week of Dec. to a new house in the Aliante area and will double the size of my frag tanks and hope to have hundreds availble soon. Stay in touch.:)
Hi guys,

Sorry got the site issues, unfortunetly for reasons out of my hands we are still waiting to get the "" domain switched to new server, BUT I have setup our forums under a new domain

You can bookmark that new URL, once the old one is fixed, both will point you to the same site :)

Again sorry for the inconvenience.

The Dec meeting will not take place. Once this prblem is worked out things will be back to normal. We are looking at 1-5-08 for the next meeting which will be at my house. We are planning something good