Found a Mantis


New member
in an old worm hole in my Porites. I haven't seen all of him yet, but the "paddles" are a dead giveaway. He's small, probably ~1".
His hole is easily accesible, & looks shallow.
I don't want to take the Porites (w/xmas trrees) out of the tank.
If I get a trap, will my cleaners get caught?
Now I think I know why I find a dead hermit from time to time.
Any suggestions?
Mantis trap

Mantis trap

Here is some stuff i read some place ..... for a trap ... take a small plastic bottle, say a 16oz pop bottle.

Cut the top part off, just where it flairs out .... turn it around and place it inside the bottom portion, so the opening is in the middle.

Take some tooth picks and use them to hold the thing together pushing them through the two pieces where they join.

The idea is that the lil guy will inter through the hole and wont be able to figure his way back out .... like a funnle type of fish trap... dont know if it will work or not, but its worth a try ..... :)

I havent heard of any store boughten traps that work, but that is just my opinion....for what its worth.

If ya catch him and dont want to keep him ... look me up, I will take him from ya ..... :D

Just my .02

Your cleaners will be caught by the trap as well. A while back I was going to lend a peppermint shrimp to a friend with an apstia problem, I caught the shrimp[or at least its body]. When I found it was dead, I can only assume that the ventilation in the trap wasn't suficent or maybe I didn't clean the bottle well enough. So make sure you pop a few small holes in the bottle, and make sure that theres no funky chemical residues.