Found red bugs tonight...


New member
Title says it all :angryfire:

I've been noticing poor polyp extension on my Millies, but I thought it was related to water quality, flow, light, etc... However, I noticed the little devils on my green Acro tonight.

I've been reading up on some of the treatment methods and decided a whole tank treatment would be best. I only have a few snails and hermits that I would quarantine during treatment.

Any info and your experience with treating these bastards is greatly appreciated!

75 gallon Sps dominant (approximately 80 total volume)
No3 - 0
Po4 - .02
Dkh - 9.1
Calc - 440
Mag - 1400
Salinity - 1.026
Nice, thanks!

You have to have a prescription to purchase this particular item from said website. There maybe other sites that will sell it to you but probably not due to the supply shortage. If you have a veterinarian you use regularly for your other pets give them a call and explain what you need it for and most of the time they will write a script for you. Whoops I Just remembered discussing this particular product is against the rules on this site but I would hate for anyone to lose all their livestock because they couldn't get the info they needed.
You have to have a prescription to purchase this particular item from said website. There maybe other sites that will sell it to you but probably not due to the supply shortage. If you have a veterinarian you use regularly for your other pets give them a call and explain what you need it for and most of the time they will write a script for you. Whoops I Just remembered discussing this particular product is against the rules on this site but I would hate for anyone to lose all their livestock because they couldn't get the info they needed.

Great info, thank you! Needless to say, I was up late researching the issue and I stumbled upon a thread here on RC by someone who used a non-prescription product, Dr. G's Coral Dip. It's readily available on DFS and premium aquatics, apparently it contains the same active ingredient as said medication and costs roughly half the price.

Has anyone heard of or used Dr. G's Coral Dip?
I don't know much about that product. I know Sentinel is the product that replaced the other pet medication and has the same ingredients. It can be expensive but this stuff is really strong and 1 pill will treat up to like 300g. This you can still get from local vet.
Unfortunately Dr.G appears to be trying to get rich off 1 bottle. 8oz treats 2.63 gallons. That's 86 bottles to do a proper treatment on a 75. Yikes.
It takes at least 3 treatments. Unless you are the luckiest person in the world. :)
Thanks for the info everyone. Here's where Im at, I've spent the day making calls to acquire the well known treatment medication, unsuccessfully. At this point, I don't want to delay action any longer as I know the bugs have been present for a while. I pulled the trigger on Dr. G's coral dip and plan on treating my DT Monday.

Does anyone have a spare Brute can I can borrow (in exchange for a case of beer :beer: )? I will need the can to mix fresh salt water for the 50% water change that will insue.

Thanks again everyone, this really sucks...
Thanks for the info everyone. Here's where Im at, I've spent the day making calls to acquire the well known treatment medication, unsuccessfully. At this point, I don't want to delay action any longer as I know the bugs have been present for a while. I pulled the trigger on Dr. G's coral dip and plan on treating my DT Monday.

Does anyone have a spare Brute can I can borrow (in exchange for a case of beer :beer: )? I will need the can to mix fresh salt water for the 50% water change that will insue.

Thanks again everyone, this really sucks...

I think I posted this once in the past.
The flea/tick prevention medicine called Trifexis also has the ingredient that kills red bugs: milbemycin oxine. The only problem is the other ingredient (spinocad) is not well tested on corals other than when I treated my old tank with this a few years ago. I did a test in a smaller volume first just on coral and then on my DT. The corals that were not already mostly killed by the bugs all survived which included sps, Lps, softies, and clams. All fish were also ok. Used dosage that gives appropriate milbemycin. Hope this helps you.
I think I posted this once in the past.
The flea/tick prevention medicine called Trifexis also has the ingredient that kills red bugs: milbemycin oxine. The only problem is the other ingredient (spinocad) is not well tested on corals other than when I treated my old tank with this a few years ago. I did a test in a smaller volume first just on coral and then on my DT. The corals that were not already mostly killed by the bugs all survived which included sps, Lps, softies, and clams. All fish were also ok. Used dosage that gives appropriate milbemycin. Hope this helps you.

Thanks for this, greatly appreciated.
Only putting 1 bottle in your tank you don't even need to do a water change. The only way you don't completely waste your money is to not do a water change and hope the long term dose kills at least 1 red bug. Run carbon and turn your skimmer back on after you think you have killed something and hope for change.
Dustin Dortin or Dorton that was with ORA did an extensive study on this and was the original person to find out the interceptor actually worked. All others are copy cats and try to change doses because they say it worked for their tank. Look up Dustin and dose according to what he says if you truly want to be rid of red bugs. Yes you need a different product but the active ingredient dose stays the same.